Sun Wukong may be stronger than Tathagata Buddha

by time news

2023-11-17 08:44:00

Sun Wukong’s first master

Ngo Thua An’s work Journey to the West was once classified as one of the “four great works” of Chinese literature. And one of the central characters of that novel is Qi Thien Dai Thanh Ton Ngo Khong.

For fans of the work “Journey to the West”, Sun Wukong’s first master was Patriarch Bo De.

Sun Wukong’s first master was Patriarch Bo De. (Photo: Sohu)

Sun Wukong (at this time calling himself My Monkey King) crossed vast seas and long rivers, wandered for more than ten years in Nam Thiem Bo Chau, and finally found the monastery of Patriarch Bo De in Linh Dai Phuong Thon, Ta Nguyet Tam Tinh cave.

Patriarch Bodhi accepted the Monkey King and named him Wukong (“Emptiness” is the highest realm to reach perfection, enlightenment, which is completely mindless. Only when reaching this state of “Emptiness”, Only cultivators can truly return to their true self and noble origin), teaching them from preaching the sutras, speaking politely, sweeping the yard, hoeing the garden, pruning leaves and cultivating flowers, carrying water to earn money. firewood.

When the Patriarch in turn listed several techniques such as writing, flow, stillness, and movement, Wukong shook his head vigorously, insisting that learning would give him the magic permission to live long and live forever.

Sun Wukong wandered for more than ten years to find Patriarch Bo De and ask to become his disciple. (Photo: Sohu)

Discovering Sun Wukong’s roots, Patriarch Bo De taught the dharma of longevity and 72 transformations (Seventy-two Mysterious Kung Fu – Dia Sat). Wukong is immortal, has shape-shifting magic, can fly upside down in the clouds (Can Dau Cloud), and can fly 100,000 miles in one turn.

In the novel, there is a passage where Wukong wanted to show off his talent so he turned into a pine tree at the suggestion of his classmates. After that, Patriarch Bo De chased Wukong out of the school.

After being chased away, Wukong returned to Hoa Qua Son to become king and worshiped brothers with goblins everywhere. Sun Wukong also went down to the East Sea to get Nhu Y Kim Co Bong (Dinh Hai Than Cham) and a set of armor. After that, Sun Wukong was captured by Hac Bach Vu Thuong and taken to the underworld. Because he was so angry, he rioted in the underworld, wiping out all the lives and deaths of monkeys.

Sun Wukong once caused great chaos in the heavenly palace. (Photo: Sohu)

The Heavenly Court was afraid that Wukong would act arrogantly, so he sent Thai Bach Kim Tinh to recruit An to become Bat Ma On. When he learned that he was a minor official, Wukong left the world and proclaimed himself Qi Thien Dai Thanh. Heaven sent Ly Thien Vuong along with Na Tra and Cu Linh Than to capture him but were defeated by Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong was invited by the Jade Emperor to heaven to be named Te Thien Dai Thanh, with the purpose of assigning the position of manager of the peach garden to make it easier to control Sun Wukong. However, Wukong, after not being invited to the party, ate the Longevity peach and took the immortality pills of the Supreme Elder.

Heaven had to find a way to control Wukong. However, the Four Great Heavenly Kings and 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals as well as Nhi Lang Than could not do anything to Sun Wukong. Thai Thuong Lao Quan used Kim Cang Trat to hit Ton Ngo Khong in the back before capturing him. After that, the Heavenly Court tried every method to execute Wukong but failed. They even made Sun Wukong angry and causing chaos in the heavenly palace.

Sun Wukong could not escape the palm of Tathagata Buddha, so he lost and was locked under the Marble Mountains for 500 years. (Photo: Sohu0

At the end of the road, heaven had to ask Tathagata Buddha to help. Buddha bet with Wukong that Wukong would not be able to escape Buddha’s palm. If Buddha lost, he would offer the whole Heavenly World to Wukong. Wukong was confident so he agreed but unexpectedly lost and was locked under the Marble Mountains for 500 years.

Sun Wukong’s fateful encounter

From here it can be seen that, although Wukong knows many magic spells, he still only stands under the Jade Emperor and Tathagata Buddha. However, in a debate topic on Sina’s forum, many opinions said that before Sun Wukong met Patriarch Bo De, he had met an extremely powerful immortal. If Wukong respects this person as his teacher, his strength will be much stronger than that of Tathagata Buddha. So who is that fairy?

The extremely powerful fairy is the woodcutter that Sun Wukong met before becoming a disciple of Patriarch Bo De. (Photo: Sohu)

That was the woodcutter that Sun Wukong met before becoming a disciple of Patriarch Bo De. In Journey to the West, Sun Wukong met this woodcutter three times. The first time was to show Sun Wukong to Linh Dai Phuong Thon mountain to meet Bo De To learn magic when he got lost in the middle of the mountain.

The second meeting was when Sun Wukong was on his way to get the scriptures. When the four monks lost their way at Binh Dinh Son, a woodcutter suddenly appeared, Sun Wukong asked for directions, the woodcutter showed him the way then disappeared.

The third time, when Duong Tang and his students arrived at Hoa Diem Son, the woodcutter appeared again and showed the way to Ton Ngo Khong, saying that not far ahead was Thuy Van mountain, with a cave above. There is Mrs. La Sat who owns a three-pointed fan that can extinguish the fire of Hoa Diem mountain.

The woodcutter who always appears when Sun Wukong needs help is Pan Co – the God of creation and creation of the universe. (Photo: Sohu)

This woodcutter always appeared when Sun Wukong needed him and it seemed that he only acted as his guide. Because the woodcutter is actually not an ordinary person, but he is Pan Co – the God of creation of heaven and earth, creator of the universe according to Chinese folk culture.

According to the Tam Ngu Lich Ky’, all things in heaven and earth are chaotic like in a chicken egg, Pan Co was born from there, eighteen thousand years old, opened Heaven and Earth, the clear positive air is Heaven, the cloudy negative air is Heaven. Land. It means that before Heaven and Earth were formed, when the universe was still chaos, Pan Co was born.

Then, one day, Pangu held an ax in his right hand and an awl in his left, trying to expand the world. At that time, Heaven and Earth were still dark. He wishes to differentiate between Heaven and Earth so that the character can be reincarnated. He wished that as soon as he finished speaking, thunder would boom, Heaven would be clear, Earth would be bright, all things born would have everything.

Pan Co is a god whose status surpasses the Three Realms. (Photo: Sohu)

He immediately pointed to Heaven as Father, to Earth as Mother, and all people as children. He is the founder of the world, so he is also called Supreme Dao Quan. He called himself the Son of Heaven, that is, the Son of Heaven, ruling over all nations. He is the first king of the world, so we call Him Chaos. Legend has it that Pan Gu had three children: Fu Xi, Nu Wa, and Hua Tu. Nu Wa is the god who created humans.

From here, we can see that Pan Co’s status surpasses that of the Three Realms. The power of Pan Gu is the combination of the essence of the sun and moon between heaven and earth, of course surpassing even the Jade Emperor and Tathagata Buddha.

Unfortunately, Sun Wukong at that time felt that the woodcutter had an unusual aura, but because he did not have magic, he could not know that this was an incarnation of Pan Co. If Wukong soon realized and worshiped that woodcutter as his master, perhaps his strength would be very great. Even Tathagata Buddha is not necessarily an opponent of Sun Wukong.

#Sun #Wukong #stronger #Tathagata #Buddha

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