Supporting association hopes for donations • Frankfurter Wochenblatt Nord

by time news

2023-11-17 19:49:13

According to the law, the affected families are entitled to respite care for several weeks, but this remains unfulfilled due to the lack of facilities. For Thorsten Haase, project manager of the German Children’s Hospice Services, “a tragedy with serious consequences for those affected, who therefore exceed their limits. The quality of life of seriously ill children is lost far too quickly in their short lives. The result is even higher costs for the healthcare system.”

Now the time will soon come and a stationary children’s hospice will also be built in Frankfurt. The German children’s hospice services are supported by the Dortmund sponsoring association “Forum Dunkelbunt” and now operate several such facilities nationwide. The purpose of the association is to promote a diverse, lively and personal approach to dying, death and grief. There are 17 children’s hospices throughout Germany that serve around 50,000 children with life-shortened illnesses.

The Utay Foundation from Aschaffenburg is now intensively searching for a suitable property in Frankfurt. The future inpatient hospice with planned eight places for sick children, but also with apartments for accompanying family members, offers a total of 333 available weeks per year with an occupancy of 80 percent. This corresponds to a rate of almost 19 percent of the legal entitlement of the families affected in Frankfurt. “That would still be a long way from meeting demand, but it is a start with a lot of hope,” says a spokesman for the hospice services.

A name for the new hospice has already been found. “Main Children’s Hospice Frankfurt”. The opening is planned for 2026. By then, the sponsoring association hopes to receive donations amounting to several million euros. “Here we are also addressing Frankfurt citizens, companies, politicians, celebrities and clubs, asking them to take part in these appeals for donations,” says Thorsten Haase at the press conference in Frankfurt.

Information about the Frankfurt Hospice is available online at kind If you would like to support the planned children’s hospice with a donation, you can use the Main Children’s Hospice Frankfurt account, Frankfurter Volksbank donation account, IBAN DE 52 5005 0201 0200 7682 71.

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