Swedish Assistance at Egyptian-Gaza Border: What You Need to Know and How to Get Help

by time news

Title: Swedish Police Officers Assist in Facilitating Cross-Border Travel from Gaza

At the Egyptian border with Gaza, two police officers from Sweden are on site to assist the people in crossing the border. Once outside, individuals have 72 hours to leave Egypt.

In Cairo, a Swedish authority center has been set up to help those in need. Everyone who leaves Gaza is referred here.

Per Engström stated, “So far, 250 people have left the Gaza area. We have a forecast that approximately 500 are on the so-called Swedish list in their current condition.”

Before individuals are allowed to leave the Gaza Strip, a background check is carried out on the people on the list. This is done in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Swedish Migration Agency, the security police, and others. The correctness of identities and Swedish citizenship is verified, as well as any possible connection to Hamas.

Per Engström also mentioned that there is no compulsion to book a trip back to Sweden. The individual’s travel destination is not followed up, but the police encourage individuals to report on the spot if they are missing someone or to notify the police upon arriving in Sweden if they may be missing any relatives.

“It is very much an individual responsibility when you are in an area on which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has set restrictive rules. We are there to support if you need help,” he added.

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