Skiing, here are the rules for doing it in health and safety even when you are no longer very young –

by time news

2023-11-18 08:35:54

by Elena Meli

Excess enthusiasm, poor or non-existent athletic preparation and failure to warm up are the most frequent causes of accidents. But those over 65 may have some additional physical (and physiological) limitations

Skiing down snow-capped mountains is a passion and a goal for many. But when you book a skiing week it is good to think about how physically prepared you are for skiing or snowboarding, given that these are disciplines in which injuries are not uncommon: in the case of skiing, for example, it is estimated that approximately one accident every a thousand days spent on the slopes, with knees involved in at least one in four injuries followed by injuries to the shoulders, wrists and head.

For those who love snowboarding it would seem to be even worse, given that according to a review by the US Brown University the probability of accidents is triple. Those who choose the board more often suffer injuries to their upper limbs, because they fall on their hands, while skiers risk their knees because, although the bindings have improved and come off easily, in the event of impacts, twisting is very likely and the risk of injury , especially to the ligaments, is concrete.

Excess enthusiasm

Traumatic spinal injuries are also common in skiing and snowboarding, which are second only to cycling for back injuries. One of the main reasons for the danger of winter sports is excess enthusiasm because, as Brett Owens, the orthopedic surgeon who authored the US study, explains, «Some accidents are inevitable, but many happen because skiers and snowboarders exaggerate compared to their abilities, to example by going down too fast or on slopes not suited to their technical ability. Instead, it is crucial to always be in control of your skis and snowboard, slowing down when necessary and above all ensuring good athletic preparation before arriving on the slopes.”

Athletic training

The days on the snow are often few, but this must not lead to exceeding the number of descents, getting too tired (it is no coincidence that accidents happen more often at the end of the day or on the last day of the skiing week), nor is it the case of arriving in the mountains with untrained muscles. «To reduce the likelihood of accidents, you need to prepare in the weeks and months beforehand, as well as always warming up well in the morning before the descents», confirms Owens. This also serves to reduce the risk of back pain: as underlined by research from the University of Bochum, in Germany, skiing is one of the activities that most often causes low back pain, above all due to the continuous vibrations to which the spine is subjected on the descents but also because skiing puts a lot of stress on the abdominals and the muscles that support the back, stiffening them and inflaming them if they are not well trained.

For those who are no longer very young

Prudence is necessary especially if those who ski are no longer very young: today one skier in five is over 55 and the number of over 65s has doubled compared to just 15 years ago, but over the years a little more caution is needed as has recently highlighted by the Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics which together with the Italian Alpine Club has created a decalogue for the elderly in the mountains, also designed for those who do not ski. «We need to be careful, among the elderly who regularly go to the mountains one in ten has an adverse event which could be a fall, an illness or an accident», underlines Franco Finelli of the CAI.

If someone who is no longer very young is also a skier, there are many age-related elements that can increase the dangers: contrast vision worsens, making it less easy to orient oneself on snow-covered slopes, poorer hearing can prevent one from hearing others in time skiers arriving, the more precarious balance can favor falls, the slower reflexes can reduce the speed with which one adapts to slope conditions or unexpected events, facilitating accidents. Not to mention that the majority of older skiers have learned downhill techniques that are no longer current with new generation skis, a factor that can lead them to tire more than necessary, increasing the risk of injury. A positive element? The greater fear of getting hurt, which automatically makes the elderly more cautious and can help them go down the slopes safely, perhaps choosing the less crowded ones.

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November 18, 2023 (changed November 18, 2023 | 07:35)

#Skiing #rules #health #safety #longer #young

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