The Capital | Investing our savings is easier and safer than you think

by time news

2023-11-19 05:23:13

Contrary to what we have been made to believe, investing and saving is easier than ever, what limits us is ourselves.



GUADALAJARA, JAL.- Saving and investing, thanks to internet applications, is easier than ever; And the Stock Market and other entities that promote taking care of, even increasing, our financial health and capital are accessible, the only limitation is us who are afraid to try.

According to the Commercial Director of Loan Consulting and Mentor of the Climate Reality Project Organization, Mtro. Jorge Alberto Calderón Matute, financial expert and energy technology investment advisor, our beliefs are what stop us from investing for the future.

The teacher gave a webinar called “Investing with Fear” to students of Financial Administration, Economics and Business Management and Public Accounting in the first and second semester of the Autonomous University of Guadalajara (UAG).

In this talk he explained that investing takes time, perseverance, discipline and research and that, if only a small amount of money were allocated to savings or investments, the long-term results would be significant in profits, which is why he invited people to allocate capital from their college age for their adult life.

If you take 10 percent of the income you could start saving and this then direct it to investing; The results would be that what is known as financial education has begun. In turn, he recommended students avoid unnecessary expenses and leave the immediate.

In the talk he recommended investment tools and commented that, sometimes, people do not invest because of bad experiences that have spread or beliefs such as “it is not possible”, “it is difficult”, “I do not understand finances”, or makes the mistake of seeking immediate gratification, rather than thinking about directing part of what is achieved to grow capital.

The fear of losing is another reason why we fear investing, “it is very easy to invest, there are ways, companies and even in the government you can put your money and it will grow, it all depends on what you invest in, how much, the time and the rate of return,” he noted.

Options to invest in the stock market

The speaker showed some options to invest, for example:

Buy shares of companies listed on the Stock Exchange.

Buy Certificates from the Federation Treasury (Cetes).

Acquire Federal Government Development Bonds with Fixed Interest Rate (Bonds).

Acquire Federal Government Development Bonds (Bondes).

Buy Federal Government Development Bonds denominated in Investment Units (Udibonos).

The Master Calderón Matute added that another way to achieve higher returns is with compound interest, which is an investment method that can make savings grow faster.

It all depends, he concluded, on not fearing and allocating a small amount for the future, learning and daring.


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