Friends la Reunion, between Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer there was really something. And not just on the set

by time news

The Friends Reunion was needed to finally bring out the truth: between Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer there was something tender. For real. At 27 years after the debut of the cult series of the 90s, the two admitted it: “During the first season of Friends I had a big crush for Jen and the feelings were reciprocated, ”he said. After an initial moment of embarrassment, even Brad Pitt’s ex-wife confessed: “I remember telling David that our first real kiss it wasn’t supposed to be on set. And I can say that it has probably been in a bar. We channeled our love into Ross and Rachel ”.

“At some point, both of them we were cooked on each other. But it was a passing thing. One of us has always been in a relationship, and we’ve never crossed that line. We have always had the utmost respect for each other’s affections, ”continued the famous Ross interpreter. “When we had breaks from rehearsals, there were times when we cuddled on the sofa. We would spoon and fall asleep on the sofa, ”they finally recalled. So nothing more? By now it would also have lapsed. And fans on social media dream: “Not having been able to do it in due time, get together now“.

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