“Cat” then!?!, with Senator Joël Guerriau we will have seen everything

by time news

2023-11-19 16:50:29

Joël Guerriau, senator of the Group “ The independents », is accused of having drugged a fellow senator, with the aim of being able to rape her. He maintains that it is a misunderstanding. That it is without his knowledge of his own free will (if he is called as a witness, Richard Virenque will perhaps be able to attest), that it is a glass of champagne containing ecstasy that he proposed to this senator, a lady who came to his room, at a sufficiently late hour of the night, which could therefore have allowed Mr. Guerriau to accuse him of inciting debauchery. However, he abstained, his motto being “ Always remain a gentleman! » Roman Polanski confirms.

This “powder” ecstasy (that too he will have to explain to us), was for him. He had put it, this powder, in this glass, in anticipation of pouring champagne into it: the champagne that he initially intended to drink alone. Drink to forget that… No. I’ll save this for a little later: it’s so amazing that you won’t believe me.

However, alcohol abuse being dangerous for health, ultimately again he abstained: Mr. Guerriau put the glass in a cupboard, next to the other champagne flutes.

And there, precisely, well… “Flute!” » When, the next evening, to the senator who came to join him in his room, he offered to drink champagne, this champagne he poured into two flutes which he took from the cupboard where he keeps his champagne flutes (that’s ok: we want to believe it).

But no luck: one of these two flutes was the one where he had poured the “powder” ecstasy the day before (a detail that of course he had forgotten), and it was this flute that he extended to this senator. And it’s not a joke.

Fortunately, there was water in the gas between them right at that moment, and this sudden argument meant that the lady in question did not consume. She didn’t drink the glass of champagne. She took it with her, because sensing the lousy blow, not crazy wasp, she threw a fit: straight away she took the glass to the police station, and… screw up! The sanction fell: inside, there was ecstasy.

« I file a complaint ! “, she declared, and, well, we can hardly blame her for that.

Well, obviously, presumption of innocence with variable geometry and constant adjustments obliges, Senator in office that he is, Mr. Guerriau has in no way been suspended, nor indicted, nor even less placed in detention. No. Do not make fun of it. We are in France, all the same. He even received the support of Edouard Philippe!

Why not also while we’re at it, demand that the Minister of Justice resign, on the pretext that a one-year prison sentence was requested against him, before the Court of Justice of the Republic, for acts of illegal taking of interest that he committed in the exercise of his functions?

Must not exaggerate !

« Let’s give justice time to do its job. »

However, currently, the case is only at the “preliminary” investigation stage; an antinomy in matters of rape some will say.

However, the secrecy of the investigation being systematically violated (there is a certain logic), in this type of case, elements of information occurring during Joël Guerriau’s custody, emerged at least as much as this gentleman himself.

Tested positive for several drugs as part of this investigation (cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, MDMH and amphetamines), Mr. Guerriau said this. Warning: hold on tight!

Yes. Here is now the explanation given by Mr. Guerriau which, earlier, I told you to keep for later, it is so mind-blowing. What would Mr. Guerriau have invoked to explain his drug use?

Your cat’s health!

The cat having used its right to remain silent (“ Meow! “), we do not know more, unfortunately, for the moment, on this essential point of the file.

And wait! That’s not all.

Asked about the origin of this ecstasy (drug which he admitted to consuming), Mr. Guerriau declared that this drug was provided to him “ by a member of the Senate. »

Which, damn it! We want to know.

I say knowing, because if there is one thing that we cannot blame Mr. Guerriau, it is that when it comes to drugs, he knows what he is talking about.

Indeed, here is what he declared in the Senate on this subject (the video is available on X):

« Drug consumption alone caused the deaths of 585,000 people in 2017, according to a report made in 2019 by the United Nations. If narcotics are dangerous for the health of those who consume them, their trafficking is also more generally harmful for society as a whole.

These products, in fact, are the subject of a lucrative trade, the funds from which fuel other criminal activities, first and foremost terrorism.

The links between Afghan poppy cultivation and the financing of the Taliban are no longer in doubt. No more than those who unite the productions of the Golden Triangle with the guerrilla mafias of these regions.

Because drug trafficking knows no borders.

Because it participates in the financing of destabilizing actions against states, the latter have an interest in uniting their resources in their fight against drugs, as you recalled, Mr. Minister. »

Devil !

It is therefore in full and complete knowledge of the facts that, “ feeder » that Joël is involved in drug trafficking, as a user, Mr. Guerriau would contribute to the financing of terrorism.

This is serious, oh!

So, I hope that the anti-terrorism prosecution will take it up, because otherwise, no.

Hey ! We already knew the “quaestor” senators, namely, by virtue of the law they passed which authorizes them, the senators who collect and distribute official bribes from certain industries (big pharma was at the news lately).

But therefore there would also be “drug addict” senators, namely, this time by virtue of a practice that the law passed by the senators says “ constituting the crime of drug trafficking by persons holding public authority acting with the facilities afforded by the exercise of their functions “, senators who harvest and distribute drugs to senators.

And to the senators!

Clearly, nothing surprises me anymore in macronie.

Not a week goes by without a member of the team once again finding himself at the center of a case, a criminal case whose main object is an infraction of the fight against which he fought.

All these “honorable” citizens, paid with our taxes, official lesson givers, also sadly give reason, in their unofficial activities, to this proverb in two alexandrines which I have already mentioned to you in a previous editorial :

« The worst criminals, believe me, are often / the recriminators, the givers of lessons. »

#Cat #Senator #Joël #Guerriau

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