Fontainebleau: Osenat auctions off a bicorne of Napoleon I for 1.5 million euros

by time news

2023-11-19 20:46:16

He sat throughout the auction on a burgundy red cushion placed on a table, between the public and the team of auctioneer Jean-Pierre Osenat. No doubt: this Napoleon I hat was the undeniable star of the day during the Empire sale organized in Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne) on Sunday afternoon. A legendary bicorne, recognizable throughout the world, because rarely has a historical character been so associated with his headgear!

The event is expected. At the bottom of the garden of the Hôtel d’Albe, rue Royale, the Orangerie room is packed. Buyers or curious people even station themselves at the window left open to follow the sale which promises to be memorable. After all, hasn’t another of the Emperor’s bicorns already sold here for the sum of 1.8 million euros in 2014? Purchased by a South Korean industrialist admiring Napoleon’s spirit of conquest.

Fontainebleau, November 19, 2023. In the Orangerie room, the shirt worn by Napoleon I on Saint Helena was sold for 46,000 euros! LP/Sophie Bordier

This one too is authentic. Coming from the Brunon collection at the Château de l’Empéri in Salon de Provence, then purchased by Jean-Yves Noisiez, this 47.5 cm wide taupe felt hat was estimated between 600,000 euros and 800,000 euros by experts.

The sale lasted less than two minutes

In the room, the team in contact with customers who follow the sale on the telephone or on the Internet is in the starting blocks. Director of the Empire department at the auction house, Jean-Christophe Chataignier faces the room, like Me Jean-Pierre Osenat on his “perch”.

At 3 p.m., lot no. 42 finally arrives, the famous hat, offered at 400,000 euros. Very quickly, prices climb: 700,000… 850,000… 950,000… Then the million euro mark is crossed. Then, the bidding slows down a little: 1,100,000 then 1,150,000… Will the bidders run out of steam? It starts again with a vengeance: 1,300,000, 1,450,000. We forget to talk in euros! Finally, someone reaches 1.5 million euros. Nobody outbids. Awarded! The sale lasted less than two minutes. Applause in the room. The auctioneer welcomes the purchase of this “emblem of the Napoleonic epic”.

A toiletry kit went for 120,000 euros

The buyer leaves the room. In fact, he is not the new owner of the trophy. This is an agent who bought the famous bicorne for an Italian client. He won’t say more: “He wants to remain discreet,” he assures before disappearing. The news spreads quickly outside. “1.5 million euros per hat? It’s crazy ! », sighs a woman. With the 28% fees applying to this type of sales, the purchase will cost 1,932,000 euros including tax.

Other personal objects of the Emperor attracted his admirers. A lock of her hair placed under glass in a copper medallion was sold for 7,000 euros. A shirt he wore in Saint Helena was sold for 46,000 euros. The box containing a toiletry kit found a buyer at 120,000 euros! Jean-Pierre Osenat is delighted: “During this sale, all records were broken. Napoleon I left his mark on the whole world with clients from Finland, Guatemala… I hope that Ridley Scott will have the same success with his film as we have today! »

#Fontainebleau #Osenat #auctions #bicorne #Napoleon #million #euros

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