Key questions and advice from Elder Quentin L. Cook’s worldwide devotional for young adults

by time news

… to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.’”

Elder Cook invited listeners to prioritize personal time with the Savior. “If you and I are to come unto Jesus Christ and be perfected in Him, we cannot rely solely on what others teach us—regardless of their calling or position,” he said. “Now, neither you nor I invite discontinuing participation in the weekly sacrament and worship services nor the other important meetings where our leaders teach us. However”—and he emphasized this point—“we are not secure in faith or perfected in Christ through them alone. What is essential is our personal, individual engagement in deepening our faith and trust in our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.”

Sister Gilbert added that seeking personal revelation is crucial for today’s youth and young adults.

In a recent youth devotional, the First Presidency stated that through Jesus Christ individuals “have access to blessings available through the wholemaking and saving Atonement. When we apply His Atonement to our lives, when we repent with a broken heart, when we depend on His grace to change our hearts, we gain the power to become like Him and His Father.”

The combined impact of Church leaders’ messages at the devotional was summed up by Elder Cook: “We are members of a rising generation that will bring Jesus Christ into this world with great force.”

The broadcast was also available in nearly 100 languages from the Church’s broadcast facilities in Salt Lake City, Utah, and aired live around the globe through various broadcast, internet, satellite and mobile technologies.

Elder Cook encouraged the young adults to continue speaking about truths of the Restoration and to learn and live the gospel with increasing faith.

“We need less heated, contentious, or politically charged debate and more personal lives genuinely reflecting Jesus Christ,” he said. “We need to give everyone increased talk of Christ, rejoicing in Christ, preaching of Christ, prophesying of Christ, and writing to our children, so that they may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.”

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