Citizen disappointment leads to logical replacement

by time news

2023-11-20 08:05:07

You don’t have to have half a brain to understand that, in a democratic context, when a government fails to fulfill its offers and does not generate the minimum conditions of well-being for the population, competitiveness and economic stability, it cannot but receive—sooner or later — citizen rejection at the polls. This inevitable result has just been verified in Argentina, where the libertarian candidate Javier Milei is the virtual winner of the runoff for the presidency, after a period of Alberto Fernández, who in turn gathered discontent against his predecessor Mauricio Macri, a right-wing conservative. and Milei’s key ally in the second round.

The official candidate Sergio Massa had the fortitude and maturity last night to recognize defeat and congratulate his opponent. Far from falling into fatuous allegations of fraud, which would only prolong the embarrassment of the outgoing government, the former president of Congress, who had come in first place in the first round, opted for the fundamental one regarding the sovereign will of the citizens. Resisting the preliminary figures would have only been exhausting denialism and lacked civic education.

From this account, on December 10 Milei will assume the presidency of the Argentine nation, under challenging conditions. While inflation has plagued Argentina for a decade, it reached one of its most serious peaks this year. In 2019 the price increase was 53%, but last September it reached 138%. The poverty rate was 35% in 2019 and reached 40% in the first half of this year, with a public debt exceeding US$45 billion, which in turn was the inheritance of successive underfunded expenditures by left-wing governments. and from the right.

The economist Milei attracted preferences with radical proposals whose viability remains to be seen, not only because of their real effectiveness, but because his legislative bench is small, although, at the same time, this constitutes a perfect battering ram to put pressure on the Peronist-Kirchnerist congressmen. . The aggressive speech of the now elected president, who sold himself as irreverent and carefree outsider, will be put to the test in the face of the enormous expectations aroused in the midst of an overwhelming crisis. Saying this is not, in any way, a disqualification, but once in power it will take more than criticism of adversaries, state powers and financial, commercial, monetary and credit policies.

Among the main proposals, which are now commitments made to the entire Argentine population, Milei said that he would close the Central Bank, reduce public spending through the suppression of 10 of the 18 ministries, in addition to other state entities; It would free up the buying and selling of the US currency and dollarize the economy — something that, in her opinion, is “really easy.” All of this is part of the pillars of the future ruler’s plan.

With 56% of votes in favor of the La Libertad Avanza party and 95% of votes counted, the replacement in the Argentine Executive is confirmed. Democracy in said country has not been perfect nor has it given all the expected results, but it continues to be the greatest value and political asset, because it allows, enhances and reflects citizen expression. No politician or any group can handle such a great burden alone and therein lies the next challenge: going from candidate to repository of national unity. He can maintain his personality and methods, but within the legal and constitutional frameworks that today give him access to power.

#Citizen #disappointment #leads #logical #replacement

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