Who is Mariano Cúneo Libarona: lawyer for media causes

by time news

2023-11-20 16:11:03

On day one as president-elect, Javier Milei confirmed that Mariano Cúneo Libarona is joining his cabinet as Minister of Justice. In this way, the team that will accompany the libertarian begins to take shape starting December 10.

The libertarian confirmed that his government will be made up of 8 ministries, unlike the 19 that make up the current organization chart. The ministries that would remain standing are Defense, Justice, Economy, Foreign Relations, Infrastructure, Security, Interior and the incorporation of Human capital.

To the confirmation of Cúneo Libarona, is added that of Carolina Píparo a Considered, Sandra Petovello as Minister of Human Capital, and Diana Mondinoin charge of the Foreign Ministry. Without defined positions, Milei maintained in dialogue with Eduardo Feinman for radio Miter that both Florencio Randazzo and Luis “Toto” Caputo “will be part of the team,” and reiterated that the areas of Security and Defense “are within the responsibility of Victoria (Villarruel)”.

Regarding who will occupy the Economy portfolio, Milei pointed out that he had “a plan to announce it today, but given the mischief done by Minister (Sergio) Massa to blame us, which has to do with decisions made by the current government. And the fact that they are going to take leave and part of the line is going to take leave… they are going to torpedo the Minister of Economy before he takes office. The scenario changed for me last night.”

Who is Mariano Cúneo Libarona, Minister of Justice of Milei

The libertarian and the lawyer have known each other for ten years when They worked for Eduardo Eurnekian’s Grupo América. A few weeks ago, Milei called him to join his team, and although at first, Cúneo Libarona hesitated – he is the head of one of the best-known criminal law firms in Buenos Aires – he ended up accepting.

Mariano Cúneo Libarona was in charge of causes with high media exposure

When he gave his approval to take up the position, Milei told him: “I am going to take care of shrinking the State and the Economy and you manage Freedom. I want an independent, transparent, pressure-free and efficient Justice. I have the clean ass, not like others.”

The brand new minister is the son of the famous former prosecutor of the Buenos Aires appeals chamber, Mariano Cúneo Libarona and is one of the criminal lawyers who know the courts best. He received his law degree from the University of the Argentine Social Museum and then a Doctorate from the University of Salvador (2018). He studied Criminal Law at the Universities: Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, ​​University of California and Gottingen, Germany.

In addition, he is the author of several law books and joined the National Judicial Branch in 1981, going through all the ranks, and in 1984, at the age of 23, he was appointed legal secretary. He then resigned and dedicated himself to practicing the profession.

Currently, he is Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of the Argentine Social Museum, where he is also a professor of criminal law, and a professor specializing in criminal procedural law. He is also a member of the jury convened by the National Judicial Council for different judging competitions.

The media causes that stand out in Cúneo Libarona’s career

The lawyer was frequently linked to causes with high media exposure. Below, the most resonant:

1996 was in the Coppola case:

At that time, the young lawyer, 35 years old, was named in all the gossip programs as the defender of Guillermo Cóppola, accused of drug trafficking after 406 grams of cocaine were found in a vase in his house. That case, which went through courts in four cities and was discussed endlessly on TV, was finally annulled.

Javier Milei’s new Minister of Justice led the defense of Guillermo Coppola

Cúneo Libarona managed to turn the file around in that case that became a true reality show: the accused, Cóppola mainly, were free; and the investigators (police, judge, judge’s secretary), prisoners. In statements to Infobae, he acknowledged that this case marked a before and after in his career “and in the history of police officers.”

Cúneo Libarona, a member of a studio that bears his last name and in which the four brothers work, returned to television screens. Judge Norberto Oyarbide sent him to prison for a month, accusing him of aggravated coercion and cover-up, in a case that investigated the theft of a video from the office of Judge Juan José Galeano, within the framework of the AMIA case. Cúneo Libarona defended two police officers accused of the robbery, but finally the police officers were acquitted and everything was declared void.

2018 in the cause of bribe notebooks:

The cause of the notebooks, which investigates an alleged bribery network orchestrated by the Kircher government. In this case, Mariano Cúneo Libarona represents Sergio Taselli, a businessman linked to the operation of railways (and with a long history of problems with Justice) mentioned in the notebooks, La Gaceta points out.

The former governor of Tucumán, José Alperovich was denounced for sexual abuse and rape by his second niece and former private secretary. This case already has a defined trial date and it will be February 5, 2024. Cúneo Libaron’s defense now remains in doubt, since in dialogue with Clarín, the lawyer announced that if he took on any position, he would resign from his law firm.

The trial against Alperovich has a start date for February 5, 2024

“I am a lawyer; I am not a magician, although sometimes I do magic, but I believe in the innocence of José Alperovich. I believe that there is an unusual weapon and viciousness, and I trust that the evidence will prove his innocence.” “, he confessed to La Gaceta in February 2020.

2023, participated in the defense of Judge Bento:

The last resonant case that we can list is about the defense of the controversial federal judge Walter Bento. But it is worth clarifying that he resigned in the middle of the year, before the magistrate was dismissed and arrested for poor performance of his duties, lack of decorum in his duties, and for having “dishonored justice.”

#Mariano #Cúneo #Libarona #lawyer #media

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