Manifesto: Combating violence against women is a national emergency!

by time news

2023-11-20 14:28:45

The women’s movements that make up the CSP-Conlutas call everyone to the streets on November 25.

By: CSP Conlutas

Every day, the figures that reveal violence against women in Brazil are alarming. For this reason, the CSP-Conlutas calls for a day of mobilization on November 25 – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

See the continuation of the demonstration against machismo and violence signed by the MML (Movimento Mulheres em Luta), Coletivo Marielle Vive, Pão e Rosas, Ação Feminista, Quilombo Raça e Classe, and Rebeldia, which are part of the union central:

Everyone take to the streets on November 25! Fighting violence against women is a national emergency!

The exploitation of women’s labor force was the first in history and, aggravated by capitalism, generated a social debt for women. This is how the lack of public policies, inequality, gender violence and a lack of opportunities make social mobility difficult, generating salary disparities and restrictions on women’s participation in decision-making bodies. This perpetuates vulnerability, insecurity and the reversal of rights already achieved.

The country broke a record in cases of sexual violence in 2022. There were 154 cases reported per day, 39,000 rapes, 16,000 cases of sexual harassment and 1,134 cases of sexual exploitation, according to data from the Brazilian Observatory of Gender Equality of the Ministry of Women. The sample also points out that cases of other violence, such as physical and psychological, have increased. According to the Public Security Yearbook, in 2022 there was a 6.1% increase in cases of feminicide compared to 2021. There were 1,437 victims, 17 of whom had their own children as witnesses to the crime.

Black women are the main victims of capitalist oppression and exploitation, representing 57% of cases in the country. It is also worth highlighting that outsourcing and the precariousness of work in Brazil has a woman’s face. And black woman.

These statistics are the result of the worsening of poverty that affects the entire class, due to hunger, unemployment, precarious working conditions, outsourcing and informality.

The naturalization of oppression and violence against women is part of the far-right agenda and was supported by the misogynistic discourse of the Bolsonaro government and its allies during the last four years.

During the Bolsonaro government, there were continuous cuts in resources allocated to support victims of violence, as well as underutilization of already limited resources.

However, currently, even with the change of government to that of Lula and Alckmin, the 90% cut in the budget for policies aimed at women from the previous government has not been reversed, and the financial restrictions imposed prevent significant progress, which leads to a worsening of assistance to victims and the progress of policies that address the needs of this group.

The Lula-Alckmin government also remains silent in the face of attacks on democratic rights that take place in Congress by deputies from the conservative bench.

By establishing an alliance with these sectors, inviting parties such as the Republicans, led by Bolsonaro governor Tarcísio, and the PP, to compose ministries, the Frente Amplio government raffles off the rights of the oppressed to approve attacks such as the fiscal framework and the tax reform. Therefore, class conciliation strengthens the extreme right.

This is the case of the project that seeks to prohibit marriage between people of the same sex, even though Brazil leads the statistics of violence against the LGBTI community and the life expectancy of trans people is only 37 years. This is also manifested in the urgent vote on the bill on the status of the unborn. [del feto]which seeks to prohibit abortion, even in cases of rape or risk to the life of the pregnant woman.

While these issues are being debated in Congress, the issue of legalizing abortion has been addressed in a trial by the STF [Supremo Tribunal Federal]. Brazil faces a high demand for clandestinely performed abortions, which often result in the deaths of women, especially poor and working women.

The State’s negligence in collecting data and adequately addressing this issue persists, even under Lula’s government, influenced by the conservative bench. The criminalization of abortion increases the risk of death for working-class women and prevents the development of effective studies and public policies to address this issue.

It is urgent to implement an action plan to confront the terrible situation that affects women, especially young women and workers. Currently, they see themselves without prospects for progress and are witnesses of the dismantling of the rights won after years of struggles. This demonstrates the ineffectiveness of reformism, since even the achievements of the working class become currency when convenient.

The mobilization of the entire class is essential to protect the progress achieved and continue the fight so that historical oppressions are no longer tolerated by that structure that has its origins in the exploitation of our bodies as workers.

For all this, it is essential to build a strong and independent struggle from governments, both at the national level and in the States and municipalities, and take to the streets in defense of our lives.

We cannot fail to highlight November 25, recognized as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

We, women from different groups and organizations, launch this manifesto to call on all people from the working class and youth to join us on this day of struggle.

We stand with Palestinian women in the fight for their national liberation.

Throughout 75 years of Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory, women and children have always been targets of Zionist terror and violence. Rape is a common weapon to humiliate and force the departure of Palestinian families.

In the bombings that began in October alone, almost 3,000 women and 5,000 children died, and these numbers continue to rise. Pregnant women have no idea how they will bear their children, as hospitals have been the target of constant attacks by Israel.

The Palestinian population heroically resists Israel’s racist occupation and attempted ethnic cleansing, fighting against national oppression. We demand the immediate severance of Brazil’s economic and political relations with Israel.

We, who believe that we cannot be free by oppressing others, join this resistance and defend a secular, democratic, working-class and socialist Palestine, free from the river to the sea!

Article published in

Translation: Natalia Estrada.

#Manifesto #Combating #violence #women #national #emergency

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