Diabetic retinopathy, what is the cost of its treatment?

by time news

2023-11-21 18:00:16

The cost of diabetic retinopathy treatment It is a topic that must be analyzed. It is not really economical but the impact that this disease causes on the health of patients must also be considered.

First of all, the biggest problem is the diabetes because it is one of the most frequent and dangerous chronic diseases in Mexico. According to National Health and Nutrition Survey (Ensanut) 2022 registers a prevalence of 18.3%.

The reasons for the above are mainly due to the current lifestyle based on a sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits. The first consequences are overweight and obesity, but they also cause damage to different organs such as the heart, kidneys, nervous system and eyes.

Why does diabetic retinopathy occur?

In terms of vision, one of the main consequences of diabetes is the Diabetic retinopathy. It occurs due to high levels of glucose in the blood that damage the small blood vessels in the eye. Such damage can lead to swelling and fluid leaks, obstruction of blood flow, and the creation of new abnormal blood vessels in the retina. In the end it can cause progressive vision loss until reaching a irreversible blindness.

The Mexican Retina Association It is estimated that more than 2 and a half million patients in our country suffer from some degree of diabetic retinopathy. Therefore, it is the main cause of blindness in Mexico in patients with diabetes and of productive age (between 20 and 74 years). According to the IMSS, the prevalence of this pathology amounts to 31.5%.

Like many visual pathologies, Diabetic retinopathy It does not present initial symptoms and usually, when it is diagnosed, it is already in a very advanced stage and is not reversible.

Other symptoms to consider

Blurry vision. Vision with floating spots. Blindness.

A very important point is that this disease can be controlled. Therefore, it is extremely important to visit the retinologist At least every 6 months, eat healthier and do some physical activity that can lower blood sugar levels.

How much does diabetic retinopathy treatment cost?

In addition to the risk of losing sight, Diabetic retinopathy It considerably affects the pocket since the cost of diagnosis, treatment and follow-up ranges between 5,000 and 37,000 pesos. The above does not include the expenses that may be generated by the disability of the person who suffers from it, considering that he or she is in a productive stage and cannot generate income.

Types of diabetic retinopathy that exist

It should be noted that there are two types of Diabetic retinopathy: Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPR) and Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PR). Both present significant differences in severity and treatment, so early intervention can make a difference in preserving vision.

RNP occurs when the blood vessels of the retina weaken and capillary hyperpermeability develops, which causes swelling in the retina and the formation of microaneurysms that, if not treated in a timely manner, can lead to RP, in which new blood vessels grow abnormally. which usually break causing bleeding in the vitreous. The retina can also detach and in more advanced states cause serious central and peripheral visual loss.

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