Book resulting from Unilab specialization is launched in Capistrano, in the Baturité Massif

by time news

2023-11-21 19:55:41

Photo: Helder Agripino

On November 10th, the book “Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Methodologies for Elementary and Secondary Education” was launched in Capistrano/CE, the result of the Specialization in Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Methodologies for Elementary and Secondary Education, promoted by the University of Integration International of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab).

The course trained 86 specialists from Baturité, Boa Viagem, Canindé, Capistrano, Madalena and Redenção, in Ceará, and São Francisco do Conde, in Bahia, taking place between August 2020 and February 2022, remotely, financed by the Improvement Coordination of Higher Education Personnel (Capes).

Audience, specialist teachers and Unilab professors celebrate the launch of the book. Photo: Helder Agripino.

The publication brings the theoretical-practical results of the specialization course, which express Unilab’s purpose of contributing, in its interiorization project, to the improvement of teaching and learning in basic education in the interior of the state. “This is the differentiated path that the university offers for teacher training, taking into account the particularities and needs of the Baturité Massif in the field of Basic Education”, explains the course coordinator and one of the book’s organizers, Luis Bedoya, reinforcing that the The course is an effective contribution from Unilab to improve teaching and learning in the region from an interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective, with teachers and students taking the lead.

Professor Luis Bedoya, one of the book’s organizers. Photo: Helder Agripino.

Professor Geranilde Costa e Silva, organizer of the book together with Luis Bedoya, highlights that the students’ course completion work was a process of intervention in the classroom and subsequent report, which became an article in the book. Thus, the publication brings reports of classroom experiences and also proposals for interdisciplinary and intercultural interventions.

Professor Geranilde Costa e Silva, one of the organizers of the book. Photo: Helder Agripino.

“At the beginning of my professional career, I worked with Elementary I students, in the city of Fortaleza, and I also presented the content to parents, integrating the school into the community. Working in an interdisciplinary way is a way of conceiving life, in which everything is generally together. The school welcomed the proposal”, he reports.

Marília Souza is from Aratuba and is a teacher in the municipality of Capistrano. The teacher published the article “African and Afro-Brazilian stories at school: an interdisciplinary and intercultural experience”, co-authored with Geranilde Costa e Silva. “My practice was applied here in Capistrano, at Escola Francisco Mendes. I had the opportunity to work with children on the short story genre. Our children are used to fairy tales and cannot identify with the characters, both in terms of their physical characteristics and their experiences. So, we selected African and Afro-Brazilian tales that would meet the experiences of our students, so that they could also experience something different from fairy tales. Afterwards, the children started going to the library in search of other stories and sharing with me what they were finding,” she commented. Marília also added that the stories were worked on in the subjects of Mathematics, Portuguese Language, Art, History, Geography and Science. “And it worked. Storytelling, math challenges that were related to the story worked on, research on the African continent”, exemplified the possibilities.

Specialist teachers in Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Methodologies for Elementary and Secondary Education”. Photo: Helder Agripino.

Professor Israel Viana published the article “Recognizing racism and its implications at EEM Frei Policarpo, in Canindé (CE)”, together with Luis Eduardo Torres Bedoya. “Our curricula are very Eurocentric, we rarely include African authors, so many students don’t even know about this wealth. Our project is to make students realize that we owe, as a country, much of what we are to the African people,” he said.

The president of the Capistrano Municipal Education Council, José Cavalcante, thanked the dialogue with Unilab. “The university’s doors are open to the municipality of Capistrano and I’m happy, because we need to expand dialogues in favor of improvements in education”, he stated.

#Book #resulting #Unilab #specialization #launched #Capistrano #Baturité #Massif

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