More ammonia is produced and less is emitted

by time news

2023-11-21 20:26:42

The latest data available from the Ministry of Agriculture on ammonia emissions have shown that greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural and livestock activities have decreased in recent years, although production has been increased to sufficiently meet the growing demand for food.

In the case of livestock, the total emissions of NH3 (ammonia) estimated for 2021 have been reduced by 2.7%, which has made it possible not only to fulfill in this exercise the national commitments to reduce emissions of ammonia, but also to almost double the annual reduction target of 3% of ammonia emissions compared to 2005. The Ministry acknowledges that has been possible thanks to the work of the livestock farmers in the application of the Best Available Techniques (BAT). More than 89% of the livestock census has notified its application.

Techniques during all stages

BAT are techniques to reduce emissions during all stages of animal husbandry through to field application of manure as an essential nutrient, and include techniques for feeding, housing design, storage and management of manure, including others They are collected in the royal decree for the organization of the different livestock sectors and there is an individual record of BAT used by each holding in the Ecogan computer system.

As for agriculture, the sustainable nutrition of agricultural soils has been essentialwhich aims to find a balance between improving productivity and minimizing environmental problems, rationalizing the use of fertilizers, reducing the cost and environmental impact of fertilization.

#ammonia #produced #emitted

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