The story ‘Soldiers’ wins the narrative prize dedicated to male caregivers

by time news

2023-11-22 09:21:00

The story ‘Soldiers’ by Luca Locatelli won the sixth edition of #afiancodelcoraggio, the literary prize promoted by Roche Italia to give voice to women’s stories of oncological disease through the narrative lens of male caregivers. In the presence of the jury, chaired by Gianni Letta – and composed of Angela Coarelli, Marco Costa, Sergio Del Prete, Giordano Fatali, Elisabetta Iannelli, Giovanni Parapini, Francesco Perrone, Angelo Tanese and Emanuela Zocaro – the short film of the same name was premiered , with the screenplay by Marika Tassone, also awarded in Rome, during the event.

“The work of the Jury, which I have had the honor of presiding over since the first edition – states Letta – has also been very intense this year because the stories we have received highlight experiences that are sometimes very different in terms of personal experience of the path of illness and care. This initiative reminds us how important it is to share even moments of difficulty because from them we can draw the courage to move forward, despite everything.” For the Minister for Disabilities, Alessandra Locatelli, “the #alfiancodelcoraggio award is an initiative of great social value that keeps attention high on a very important topic that touches the lives of many families. I thank Roche who, again this year, gives a voice to those who live every day alongside a person with an oncological pathology. In their life stories there is all the strength and courage of those who face a serious illness and those who take care of them. With the establishment of the inter-ministerial table for family caregivers, we will strive to give caregivers the right recognition and the hope of no longer feeling alone”.

Born in 2016 – we read in a note – the literary prize in recent years has told – through the stories of men (husbands, partners, fathers, sons, brothers, friends) – the experience alongside women facing an oncological disease , declining caregiving from a gender perspective. In addition to the 6 short films, in recent years 309 stories have been selected, given over 17 thousand online votes and received 3 medals from the President of the Republic.

“The news of the last few days – says Benedetta Nicastro, Communication Head of Roche Spa and general secretary of the Award – once again places us before the responsibility of facing a serious debate, at all levels of civil society, on gender roles. With #afiancodelcoraggio we have chosen the specific narrative lens of men precisely to allow us to overturn gender stereotypes, giving space to the positive stories of those who, faced with difficulties, decide to stay and find the necessary momentum to move forward. We do this with the objective of making men feel less unprepared and women less alone when facing an illness.”

On the occasion of the award ceremony, the results of a research carried out by Cristina Cenci, Senior Partner of Eikon Strategic Consulting, were presented, with the aim of bringing out perceptions, experiences and needs from a gender caregiving perspective. The research involved two phases: an analysis of the literature on the identity, needs and expectations of the informal caregiver and a socio-anthropological analysis of the narratives collected during the various editions of #afiancodelcoraggio. From the stories of #afiancodelcoraggio it emerges that even men in the role of caregiver adapt to the social gender model which requires strength, control, detachment and protection and in which controlled empathy prevails. In more than a third of the stories (38%), the caregiver explicitly states that they have exercised deliberate control over their emotions by hiding them or experiencing them in solitude. These collective attributes of gender identity become masks that facilitate the caregiver in accompanying the woman with cancer but at the same time isolate him, making it difficult to fully share his emotions and feelings.

According to data from the Higher Institute of Health, in Italy 65% ​​of family caregivers are women aged between 45 and 55, who often also work outside the home. 60% are forced to abandon their jobs. Numerous studies demonstrate that the care experience is not gender neutral: the different degree of distress experienced by male or female caregivers could be associated with different social expectations related to gender.

“There is still too little talk about men like Alessandro, who remain at your side when you face an oncological disease – says Carolina Marconi, Ambassador of #afiancodelcoraggio – They are not only partners, but also fathers, sons, brothers, friends who help us to face difficulties head on”. The short film ‘Soldatini’ will soon be released through the circuits and channels of the initiative’s partners. Produced by MP Film and starring Marco Quaglia, Chiara Cavalieri, Luca Quadrano and Benedetta Lucidi, directed by Daniele Barbiero and the screenplay by Marika Tassone, student of the “Creating Stories” course promoted by Anica Academy ETS, also awarded during the evening.

“Renewing our partnership with #afiancodelcoraggio – declares Francesco Rutelli, President of Anica Academy ETS – represents a source of pride for us. We fully share these values, centered on the development of the person and the common good. We want to continue to enrich our training experience in the cinema and audiovisual professions, thus contributing to the growth and awareness of future professionals in the sector. We look to the future with enthusiasm, convinced that this collaboration will continue to inspire and promote stories that make a difference.” To read all the stories:

#story #Soldiers #wins #narrative #prize #dedicated #male #caregivers

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