In reviving redemption, you can give the public much more details about the Netanyahu deal

by time news

I have always thought that there is a difference between a person’s media persona and what is behind it, that there is a gap between what we think about who appears on TV and the man himself, after he takes off his make-up and microphone and goes home, puts on a sweatshirt and no longer talks To one person, without papers and without a ceremony in the buttocks.

The testimony against Asi Ezer knocked down the fourth wall, or in his case the Midoriama, and revealed to us at least the possibility that Asi – beyond being a bouncy, cute, amusing person who takes life easily on the one hand but dramatic and very sensitive on the other – can also be sexually harassing, seemingly , Who performs inappropriate actions in his private home, when he examines an actor for the series.

From the moment Yehuda Nahari’s testimony was heard, it is no longer possible to watch “Ninja Israel” in complete innocence and completely cut off thoughts about what may have happened there, in the apartment, ten years ago. You watch as an excited contestant hangs on a rope and tries to wave his body back and forth, but his head flies somewhere else and imagines something else that has fluttered for him sometime in the past, seemingly.

In contrast to helpers, interviewers in the news and current affairs fields put on a dignified and serious look. They need to talk about important issues such as global epidemics, security threats and especially to engage in political conjunctures that are perceived as the icing on the cake of current affairs.

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With the news shortening by a quarter of an hour, we were left with only nine hours and a quarter of endless and unbearable news engagement daily. The practice of presenting the news is well known: the presenter plays a role of “does not know”, so reporters are brought to our studio who seem to know and are the ones who mediate for us – through the presenter who “does not know” – reality, interpret it and even look to the future. This game works great around the clock, from “Three with Ofer Hadad” until midnight.

In recent days, there have been increasing reports of a plea deal being forged between Benjamin Netanyahu and the ombudsman, when the court was summoned to discuss the chances of the deal coming to fruition. Prominent in her trusted play is the news woman Geula Even-Saar, who presents “This Week with Geula Even-Saar” on Friday on Channel 11 here.

Even-Saar is a serious approach, which has been seen as a symbol of professionalism for years. She knows how to ask the right questions. That is, the questions that will peel the envelope and reveal the reality beyond. For this purpose, she invited the legal commentator Tamar Almog to the studio and asked her – where does it stand? What is the chance that Netanyahu will sign a plea deal? Will the prosecution insist on disgrace? And more questions that any other interviewer would ask. But no other interviewer has the justice minister sitting on the couch at home, to which he can pick up the phone or send him a WhatsApp with an interested emoji.

In reviving redemption, if the legal issue interests you so much – talk to your husband. You can give the public a lot more details, certainly more than the same reporter to whom you refer innocent questions, and she plays her knowing the answers. Just as Sharfi Reshef was a music expert interviewer on Nurit Galron’s new musical line.

“And what are the political implications of the plea deal?” Geula then asks the camera, moving to the table next to it. There, beyond the imaginary Great Wall of China, sits Akiva Novik, who estimates that there is a chance that Likud members like Gideon Saar will disband the government. I recommend that Akiva return the question to Even-Saar, who may have an idea of ​​what her father and children are planning to do in the near future.

This whole facade – she’s like asking, and she’s like answering, and the third like interpreting – takes place on Friday at our low – rated public broadcasting corporation. I do not know if it’s related, but it’s true – we are funding this transparent and unpopular show. Men and women do not have to pay an employment price because of their spouses, but at least they will not pretend to be a naive alien who has just landed in the studio, instead of a wife who half an hour ago waved goodbye to the justice minister and told him not to forget to turn on the uncle at night.

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