There is a winner for the construction of 240 sheltered housing units in the Lachish Park district of Ashdod

by time news

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Another step on the way to establishing the Lachish Park district in Ashdod, with the announcement by the Israel Land Authority this week of winning “Peretz Diamond” in the land tender for the construction of 240 sheltered housing units in the new district. The company will pay the Ministry of Housing an additional NIS 20 million for the development and will invest an additional NIS 2 million in the construction of public buildings in the district and upgrading infrastructure in the city’s old neighborhoods.

The Israel Land Authority announced this week that Yahalomit Peretz Development and Building Ltd. is the winner of the tender for the land for the construction of sheltered housing in the Lachish Park district of Ashdod. NIS 56 million.

Beyond that, the company will pay the Ministry of Housing about NIS 20 million for development expenses and will invest an additional NIS 2 million for participation in the construction of public buildings and for upgrading infrastructure in the old neighborhoods in the city of Ashdod.

In the Lachish Park district, which will be built in the northern part of Ashdod as part of the implementation of the roof agreement, about 2,700 housing units will be built. Half of the housing units in the district will be marketed to those entitled to the Ministry of Housing as part of the “target price” program and half of them will be marketed in the free market.

Recently, six developers won the RMI land tenders for the construction of 1,643 housing units out of the planned housing units. Next to the new district, a sports complex will be built, which includes a football stadium with 20,000 seats, a basketball hall with 5,000 seats and more training grounds and an Olympic pool.

A new 30-dunam employment complex is also planned to be built in the new district, which will add thousands of jobs, and recently infrastructure work has begun in the area, which will last 24 months and cost about NIS 45 million.

The Mayor of Ashdod, Dr. Yechiel Lasri: “Along with promoting affordable housing for the city’s young people, we are also building for our veterans. I congratulate Yahalomit Peretz Development and Building Works Ltd., which won the tender for the land published by Rami for the construction of sheltered housing in the Lachish Park district.

The mayor added: “The mix in the new district will, like the other quarters in the city, combine a young population with a veteran and in accordance with the special social fabric that characterizes Ashdod. We will continue to promote the other projects in Ashdod together with the Israel Land Administration and the Ministry of Housing.”

The head of the roof agreement in Ashdod, Eyal Davidovich: “We are advancing another step on the way to the establishment of a new district in Ashdod, which will be the flagship project of the roof agreement in the city.”

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