Revolt in Panama shakes political structure; Now, we need to look at the long term

by time news

1970-01-01 02:00:00

A paranoid in power

Hitler, like other paranoid people in power, did not even have the capacity to fake “weaker” feelings that he despised, let alone feel them.

The lack of everything that effectively constitutes a healthy psyche — the emotions that, without interest and calculation, without the intention of achieving success and influence, concern another, even a stranger, — this total deprivation, this terrible emptiness to have -iam revealed in helplessness and impotence. Certainly at no point did Hitler consider exposing himself to this situation.

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Former minister and prisoner Speer states that Hitler never trusted anyone, not even the closest women, and as he did not allow thinking women around, it was easy for him to hold on to his contempt for them. “They were only good for company. ”

One gets the impression that Hitler needs precisely the weaknesses of those to whom he delegates power. Thus, not only does he have them more easily in his hands, and he does not need to spend much time looking for reasons in pushing them away, but he also enjoys, in relation to them, a feeling of moral superiority.

For the paranoid, only the victorious are “men”!

If there is one fatality above all others, it is the paranoid belief in Victory. As they stop winning, the Germans no longer become their own body, and Hitler unceremoniously takes away their right to life.

The Germans, who turned out to be the weakest, who huddled in cemeteries and ditches, should not be pitied. Hitler really wants them to ruin themselves, “because they deserve it”!

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If the Nazi Armies had continued to win, as was customary at the beginning of the war, the German people would be a different people, in their eyes. For victorious men are “other men” even if they are the same.

Hitler even confides to Speer: “If we lose the war, the people will also be lost. There is no need to worry about the material bases that people need for their most primitive survival. On the contrary, it is better to destroy these things today, because the German people have shown themselves to be weaker and the future belongs exclusively to the Eastern people, the strongest! In any case, what will be left after this fight will be the weak, inferior ones.”

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As long as he could, however, Hitler resisted giving in anything, regardless of the number of victims it would cost, as he felt everything that had been achieved as his own body. His physical decline over the last few weeks in Berlin, written with emotion by Speer, is nothing but his contraction of power. Because the paranoid’s body is his power, it grows or shrinks according to him.

Hitler’s last moments

Hitler orders the last battle for Berlin for the others to die fighting, but tells Speer: “I will not fight, the danger of just being wounded and falling alive into the hands of the Russians is too great. I don’t want my enemies to mistreat my body. I ordered them to incinerate me.”

This is how the person primarily responsible for the Holocaust of millions of people in concentration camps reasoned and acted! Thus, while the others fight, he succumbs without fighting; and what may happen to those who fight for him, it doesn’t matter, as long as nothing happens to his body!

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From Speer’s exposition, Hitler’s indifference to the fate of his people – whose greatness and expansion he claimed to be the true meaning, purpose and content of his life – becomes evident in a way that probably did not exist until so comparable example!

Since his people, driven by himself to war, are showing themselves to be weaker, what remains of them must not survive either!

Elias Canetti’s analysis

For everything he exterminated is still awake within himself. “The mass of those who were murdered calls for their multiplication”, Canetti tells us. It is the greatness of the number of this mass that Hitler is fully aware of: the fact and manner of their annihilation were kept secret, only known by those who were involved in it, strengthens the action of this number on Hitler.

The dead have become an immense mass at his disposal; constitutes a manipulable mass, a secret of its own. Unable to add new enemies to this mass, Hitler feels the compulsion to multiply the number among his own people!

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What Hitler’s destructive orders meant was more than evident. Today, it is difficult to understand why not every German who learned of these orders did not feel or consent as Speer did.

By knowing these facts, we all become suspicious of orders! We know more: that most terrible of examples is ever too close to us, and even those who are still capable of believing in orders would think twice before obeying them. At that time, it should be added, people were educated precisely by Hitler to see the greatest virtue in obedience to his order! There was no value above it!

For us, defenders of humanism, LIVES MATTER, YESTERDAY, TODAY AND ALWAYS!

Obs.: As Minister of Armaments and Quartermastership, Albert Speer was responsible for Germany’s great productivity during the Second World War. In 1946, he was tried in Nuremberg and sentenced to 20 years in prison. While in prison, Speer published two autobiographical bestsellers: “Inside the Third Reich” and “Spandau — The Secret Diary,” detailing his relationship with Hitler and providing previously unknown stories about the Third Reich. Essential readings!

After all, lives matter, yesterday, today and always!


Speer, A.. Inside the Third Reich, Artenova.

Canetti, E.. The consciousness of words. Pocket Company.

Carlos Russo Junior | Columnist for Diálogos do Sul

The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Diálogos do Sul

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