The trends that will mark 2024

by time news

2023-11-23 11:56:32

In each final section of the year, educational institutions and, in general, companies related to the sector study the educational trends that have marked that year. Just as they are interested in those that will distinguish themselves in the coming period.

At the beginning of the year, everything indicated that the Artificial intelligence It was going to mark our way of working, learning, teaching, studying, communicating, relating… However, it has not been the only trend that we have seen in 2023.

Main trends in the education sector 2023

In 2022, education has already opted for personalization of learning, adapted to each student, or emerging technology, such as robotics o m-learning.

During this year these trends have not only been maintained, gamification or the STEAM approach has also evolved. How? We see it below:

According to predictions, the gamification market was expected to have a growth of more than 30% until 2024.

Companies incorporate gamification through mobile apps and social networks, since they normally have their own applications and channels. More and more users are using their smartphones, both in the workplace and in the private sphere, so mobile applications are the perfect weapon to build customer and employee loyalty.

According to an investigation by the Higher Education Statistics Agency At the end of 2022, it was deduced that there was a decrease in the school dropout rate, until 5.3% of the students. Furthermore, according to another study by ScienceDirectstudents who experienced a learning environment that combined traditional method and gamification increased their performance in more than 89% in some cases.

Described as the “transformative technology of the 21st century”. We have been able to see its influence this year in the form of virtual assistants, helping both students and teachers to manage time and the tasks to be carried out. Also establishing lines in educational environments, adapted to each student in terms of pace of teaching or language translation.

According to UNESCO, the IA has the potential to help address some of the most common challenges in education today. For example, plotting personalized learning paths and democratizing access to education, main purposes of EDUCA EDTECH Group.

All the institutions that make up the educational group have as their main objective revolutionize the world of educationrelying on Artificial Intelligence and educational technologies.

STEAM AND interpersonal skills

The English acronym of the term STEM They stand for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. A term that began to be used at the beginning of the 21st century, although with a different purpose than the current one. Recently the letter “A”, for Art, has also been added.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs that required STEAM training would grow a 8% until 2029. Furthermore, as confirmed by HR experts, interpersonal skills are increasingly important for business success. However, they are much more difficult to measure and evaluate than STEAM competencies.

What trends will be followed in 2024?

According to experts, the most important challenges for education in the coming years will be related to investigationthe innovation or the entrepreneurship.

Continue with the line of creating personalized learning experiences and adapted to each need, the development of robotics, sustainability and commitment to green energies… are some of the trends that we can expect in 2024.

Besides, the Artificial intelligence It has come to stay in educational reality. We are facing a revolutionary technology, and the educational sector could not be left behind. AI boosts productivity and, according to Linkedin, in 2024 there will be a significant increase in AI applications: decision making, task automation or experience personalization.

Another trend will be the transmission of content in small portions of about five or ten minutes in length, known as ‘Microlearning’. There are many benefits: greater engagement, greater knowledge retention, better business results, and compatibility with mobile devices.

And, of course, the user experience It is essential to understand the practicality of training. For this reason, an agile and fluid way of exchanging information must be generated, using questionnaires, surveys and forms, Big Data or analytics.

EDUCA EDTECH Group, at the forefront of online education

He EDUCA EDTECH Group has been committed to revolutionizing the world of education for nearly two decades. And to achieve this, they have drawn up different strategic lines of action, highlighting a notable investment in Artificial intelligence.

Furthermore, thanks to the experience that experience in the sector gives us, our “EDUCA Learning Experience”, considered the basis for creating our own educational methodologies, offering meaningful and practical learning.

Definitely, EDUCA EDTECH Group keeps up to date with all the trends that have been adopted this year in the educational field, and is committed to innovative methodologies facing 2024, to offer updated learning that serves the professional future of its students.

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