The Church of Sweden’s Church Meeting: Decisions, Controversies, and Challenges in 2021

by time news

Church of Sweden Leaders Convene in Uppsala for Church Meeting

This week, the church meeting, the highest decision-making body of the Church of Sweden, convened in Uppsala, addressing a number of contentious issues, including proposals related to same-sex marriage and the relationship with Israel.

The church meeting, which is comparable to the Riksdag, has the authority to decide on changes to the church order and the budget for the church board. However, the Synod cannot directly intervene in the leadership of the bishops or the activities of the dioceses or pastorates outside of the church order.

One of the major debates during the meeting revolved around proposals that would make it more difficult for priests who do not want to marry same-sex couples. Members of nomination groups with ties to the Liberals and the Moderates introduced motions that suggested all priests in the Church of Sweden should be required to marry same-sex couples in the long term.

Fortunately, these motions were ultimately denied, as the implications of such proposals did not align with the broader values and beliefs of the church. The synod also rejected a motion to ask Jewish congregations for forgiveness related to a decision in the previous synod that sought to investigate whether Israel could be described as an apartheid state.

Notably, Peter Weiderud from the S party argued that Jewish identity and the state of Israel are unrelated, and raised concerns about the presence of Hamas sympathizers within the S party.

The church meeting brought to light various perspectives and debates from members of the nomination groups, and while some contentious issues were discussed, the overarching message is that the Church of Sweden remains committed to upholding its core values while navigating and respecting diverse opinions within its membership.

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