Find out how to use the 13th benefit

by time news

2023-11-23 08:49:56

In Brasília, according to a Dieese survey, people will use the 13th to pay off their debts and try to enter the new year more relieved

As the end of the year approaches, many Brazilians are excited to welcome the thirteenth. According to data from the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (Dieese), the Brazilian economy should receive an injection of approximately R$291 billion with the payment of the thirteenth salary, an amount that represents 2.7% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In Brasília, according to the survey, people will use the 13th to pay off their debts.

Also according to the survey, the highest average value for the 13th will be allocated to workers, retirees and pensioners in the Federal District (R$5,400) and the lowest, in Maranhão and Piauí (R$2,087 and R$2,091, respectively).

Formal workers represent 69% of the total, equivalent to R$201.6 billion. The highest average benefit to be paid will be for workers in the service sector, with an average of R$4,460. Next, the beneficiaries of industry, with an average value of R$3,922, the primary sector of the economy is the one that represents the lowest average with just R$2,362.

According to Serasa’s default map, in the Federal District alone, more than 52% of people are in default, more than 1 million and 200 thousand people who are unable to settle their debts. Financial education specialist, Fernando Lamounier, recommends not acting impulsively because of the extra amount and avoiding large purchases that compromise the balance.

As the expert explains, the 13th salary is a bonus given to workers hired under the CLT regime, as well as INSS retirees and pensioners. The value corresponds to 1/12 of the remuneration per month of service and includes the fixed salary and other additional benefits.

This benefit must be paid in one or two installments per year. The first installment must be paid by November 30th, when 50% of the gross salary is generally paid, without deductions. “Other amounts of a salary nature also come into the account, such as overtime, commissions and night shift, dangerous and unhealthy work premiums”, he adds.

The second installment can be paid until December 20th. In this installment, discounts are made, such as contributions to the INSS and Income Tax. In other words, the second installment is smaller than the first.


To have a healthy financial life and not go into the red, Fernando recommends that whoever receives the benefit, use the bonus as extra income to pay open expenses and future expenses. “Even investments are great options.”

“It is important that the consumer sees the 13th salary as financial support used to resolve pending issues”, he highlights. If the consumer has debts accumulated during the year, the tip is to make the bonus a great option to settle them and thus not end the year in the red. He also points out that using the extra amount to pay seasonal expenses such as Christmas shopping, IPTU, IPVA and for those who have children, school registration and school supplies, is also a smart decision.

For those consumers who are looking for another way to apply this benefit, he recommends using the 13th salary to create an emergency fund for times of financial instability. Or even, the application of the benefit in investments that help to increase income.

For him, consumers need to see what state their financial life is in, so that the 13th salary can be used with discernment and balance. “If financial issues are compromising the budget, the best option is to pay them with this extra amount so that they can be eliminated before the end of the year, avoiding high interest rates and long-term debts”.


Fabiano jose da silva, 42 years old, general assistant, knows very well what to do with the benefit he will still receive this year. “Pay bills or buy clothes for the end of the year, and whatever is left I try to start the year without debt”, he says. For him, this is a festive time, in which he tries to plan to balance end-of-year events and bills to pay. “We wait all year to receive it. And if God allows, after paying the bills, we buy gifts for the children and the wife,” he says.

Legislative advisor Raiza Machado, 34 years old, has already received part of the benefit and does not remember how she spent it. “I think I’ll save this second part.” Normally she spends the 13th, but sometimes she manages to save it. “I should be more controlled,” she considers herself. Despite this, she believes that she can keep up with what is expected, and has her bills up to date.

Server Telma Oliveira Queiroz, 53 years old, says that public servants also receive the benefit, but in this case, it is always in the month of each server’s birthday. “I always receive it in March. It’s a significant amount that I use to pay off debts, or save,” she comments.


#Find #13th #benefit

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