The campaign is underway! – Independent Congo

by time news

2023-11-21 01:31:42

President Felix Tshisekedi launched his presidential election campaign on Sunday, November 19. The tone is that of a “warrior” who does not hesitate to throw blows. He was Monday in Moanda, Boma and Matadi in the province of Kongo Central. Tuesday and Wednesday, the head of state is expected in the “Greater Equator”. Moïse Katumbi was in Kisangani on Monday. The man must drink whey while learning of the withdrawals in his favor. Candidates Seth Kikuni, Franck Diongo and Augustin Matata have decided to join “Moses”. God only knows their political weight. Some die-hard optimists do not rule out witnessing the emergence of a Fatshi-Fayulu duo. Illusion?

The people of Kinshasa who like to speak during an event organized at the Stade des Martyrs seem unanimous in recognizing that this mecca of sport was “full”. According to sources, the public started showing up at the stadium at 7:00 a.m. The demonstration began in the middle of the afternoon.

Dressed all in white, President Felix Tshisekedi arrived in the company of Mama Denise, the first lady. The couple was accompanied by the main leaders of the country’s institutions: Modeste Bahati Lukwebo (president of the Senate), Christophe Mboso Nkodia Mpwanga (president of the National Assembly), Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde Kyenge (Prime Minister) Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo ( Deputy Prime Minister in charge of National Defense), Vital Kamerhe Lwa Kanyingini Nkingi (Deputy Prime Minister in charge of National Economy).

After recalling the “rocky road” traveled – with the Kabilist movement, the FCC – from January 24, 2019 until the divorce on December 6, 2020, Felix Tshisekedi borrowed an extract from a song by the artist Kofi Olomide “ Tozakorondpoint”. In a tone marked by sadness, he insisted on the two years wasted by bickering and tripping under the FCC-Cach coalition. According to him, “the government has turned around the roundabout” for two years without being able to initiate reforms.

On Sunday, November 19, observers were able to see the “Fatshi of 2023” no longer had anything to do with that of 2019. The “new Fatshi” appeared more sure of himself. He says things without circumlocution. He claims that in two years “we put the Congo on its feet! ». It is not uncommon to hear Congolese proclaim that “during the eighteen years of Joseph Kabila’s presidency, Congo-Kinshasa was on its knees”. The Congolese, even against the Rwandans.


Aware of this painful past, “Félix” warns potential voters of “be wary of candidates from abroad”. In other words, the “darlings of the West”. The speaker did not mention any names. In a murderous formula, he specifies that these candidates from abroad are recognizable by their inability in particular to point an accusing finger in the direction of the leader whose army is at the base of the aggression in the East of our country.

Felix Tshisekedi continues the offensive: “If you trust me we will continue the work of rebuilding the country”, he adds. And to recall what has already been done over the last two years. Namely free primary education for all. And free health care for mother and child. He intends to continue implementing universal health coverage.

It is not without interest to open a parenthesis here. “Joseph Kabila” succeeded President LD Kabila on January 26, 2001. That is, less than three months (October 2000) after the United Nations General Assembly during which the “Millennium Development Goals” (MDGs) were decreed ). Access to primary education and the reduction of extreme poverty and infant mortality are among the major objectives. In July 2016, fifteen years later, a report written by experts from UNDP and UNICEF indicated in black and white that 18 million Congolese adults cannot read or write. Let’s close the parenthesis.

Until the end of his address, “President Félix” “bumped” some of his adversaries who proclaim their desire to “collaborate” with certain well-known neighboring countries. For him, it is about “keep our country in slavery”. For his part, Fatshi believes that the rift between him and Rwandan President Paul Kagame is irremediable. And this until the last judgment ” in front of God “.

Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo to issue a severe warning not only to those who think that the “Congo-Kinshasa is for sale” but also of those who believe that “the country needs to be balkanized”. And to conclude: “The Congo belongs to the Congolese and to God! »




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#campaign #underway #Independent #Congo

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