Eliminate nematodes from your plants with these natural remedies

by time news

2023-11-24 17:00:11

Root lumps and stunted leaves are common effects of this worm infestation. Learn about home methods to eliminate them with extracts of rue, chamomile and other cultivation strategies.

Last update: November 24, 2023

Nematodes are a common pest of microscopic worms that attack all types of ornamental plants. such as ferns, orchids and vegetables. In general terms, they can affect the roots and leaves, causing poor growth and potential death of the crop.

However, There are natural methods that combat these worms in orchards and home gardens.. Discover plant extracts, water management and effective fertilizers to combat nematodes in your plants.

What are nematodes and how do they affect crops?

These are small, round, colorless worms that are invisible to the human eye, so they can be detected with microscopes. Among the variants that exist, Foliar and root-knot nematodes are the ones that most affect crops.

They measure between 0.3 and a millimeter long. Many of them live in the soil feeding on fungi, bacteria, algae and other nematodes.; although the problem lies in the herbivorous specimens, which parasitize the plants and eat their stems, roots and leaves.

The two most common families of nematodes that damage plants are Meloidogyne (they attack the roots), and Aphelenchoides (attacks the leaves). Both can affect from vegetables to soybeans, corn and cottonin addition to the following ornamental ones:

Fern Begonia Orchid Anemone Chrysanthemum African Violet

How do nematodes affect your plants?

On the left healthy roots, on the right roots with nematodes.

Specimens affected by nematodes can generate various symptoms, both directly and indirectly. That is, becoming predisposed to other pests and diseases. Root nematodes produce round lumps and knots on the roots, known as galls.due to the direct drilling they perform.

This causes everything from plant malformations to swollen tips and excessive branching. To identify a nematode infestation, Check if the upper part of the plant is stunted or not very colorful..

For its part, Foliar nematodes show damage directly to the leaves. and can cause the following symptoms:

Chlorosis Holes Spots Deformations Wilting Death of the plant, in advanced cases

11 natural remedies to eliminate nematodes in plants

Now that you know the problems that nematode pests bring to large crops and small gardens, we show you some natural products and strategies that you can apply in the garden or affected plants, to eliminate them.

1. Removal of the infected

If you discover one or more plants affected by these worms, it is best to remove them by the roots.. In this way, the risk of spread to other species is avoided.

2. Cleaning tools

Disinfect your garden tools such as scissors, rakes and shovels, in order not to spread the nematodes to other sectors. After identifying and eliminating diseased plants, It is important to sanitize with solutions containing 70% alcohol.

It includes pots, surfaces and everything that was in contact with the infected specimen. Try to use protective gloves for your skin..

3. Crop rotation

This practice is part of the strategies known as “cultural control.” It involves cultivating specimens that function as non-hosts of nematodes.s. In this way, food sources are reduced, causing the pest to retreat.

Some plants that can be used are castor bean or castor, Crotalaria spectacularknown as “showy rattlebox,” and variants of the genus brachiaria.

4. Chamomile or rue extract

The chamomile-based preparation is used to control different insect and fungal pests. It is obtained by macerating its flowers, mixing them with water and storing. Dilute a few drops in water and test on infected plants..

Besides, extracts of nettle, calendula, garlic, rue and other species have proven their effectiveness against worm infestation. Rue is an easy product to find in agricultural stores or markets.

5. Compost and fertilizers

Apply organic amendments and fertilizers that modify soil conditions to alter the development of nematodes. Besides, Their use provides extra nutrients to improve the health of infected roots..

On the other hand, fertilizers based on magnesium and calcium are recommended, useful for improving acidity levels. You can also choose to place nutrients based on nitrogen and phosphorus.

6. Cultivation of control specimens

Just as some plants are more exposed to worms, others are resistant to pests and even work as repellents. If you suspect a possible infestation, you can grow the following species:

Rue Dahlia Castor Mucuna Calendula

7. Fallow

This technique is based on giving the soil a rest and not planting anything for a while, while stirring the soil every day. If the infestation is serious and the garden allows it, it can be applied as long as it is plowed often.

This way, the nematodes will reach the surface, be exposed to the sun and other weather conditions that will eliminate them.

8. Solarization

Another technique to dry out the nematodes is to place a transparent plastic sheet on the moist soil.. It should be exposed to the sun for several weeks, in order to increase the temperature of the soil and affect the life cycle of these bugs.

9. Wormwood as a natural remedy to eliminate nematodes from your plants

In recent years, different agri-food research projects have positioned natural extracts of wormwood as effective against pests. Among them, fungi, insects and plant-parasitic nematodes. ORUse commercial oils and extracts to control worms in your garden.

10. Mix with fruits of paradise

Prepare a mixture with fruits of the tree Melia azedarach or Cinnamon, known as “paradise tree.” Grind them and combine them with water, and then include them in your garden irrigation during the warm months.. This will help the nematodes be eliminated.

11. Excess water

Another possible natural solution is to increase the amount of water in the infected area to generate floods that drown these insects. Of course the area will be unusable for a while, so it is only applicable to very serious cases.

How to avoid the arrival of nematodes?

Beyond the solutions to eradicate it, it is a complex pest, so it is important to take precautions to prevent its arrival.

Avoid flooding. A very humid soil favors the development of nematodes.
Check organic matter. Verify that the soil pH remains between 6.5 and 7.5.
Separate crops. Keeping plants at a distance makes it difficult for them to spread to each other.
Use healthy plants. Many invasions begin with infected plants or cuttings brought from nurseries.

Know the life cycle and environmental conditions of nematodes to combat them

There are certain conditions that favor its development, such as humidity, light soils, sandy soil and, above all, the temperature of 25 to 30 degrees. In these cases, it is possible that they arrive with other cuttings, adhere to the roots and reproduce there.

Females can deposit more than 2,000 eggs, which hatch faster if the weather is warm. They go through different stages of molting until they begin to feed on stems, roots and leaf sectors.

Therefore, you now know in which temperature range you should pay attention to possible symptoms generated by nematodes. The sooner the pest is identified, the easier it will be to eliminate it..

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