Message from Pope Francis on the tenth anniversary of Evangelii Gaudium

by time news

2023-11-24 02:00:00

The same Jesus who became poor, who was born in a stable among animals and peasants, who grew up among workers and earned his bread with his hands, who surrounded himself with multitudes of the dispossessed, identified with them, put them at the center of His heart, he first announced the Good News to them, promised them the Kingdom of Heaven and sent us all, missionary disciples, to feed them, to fairly distribute goods with them, to defend their cause to the point of indicating to us with clarity that Mercy towards them is the key to heaven (cf. Mt 25:35s).

It is a message so clear, so direct, so simple and eloquent, that no ecclesial hermeneutics has the right to relativize it, because our salvation is also at stake here. For this reason, the Pope cannot stop putting the poor at the center. It is not politics, it is not sociology, it is not ideology, it is purely and simply the demand of the Gospel.

The practical implications that this non-negotiable principle has for each context, society, person and institution – in international organizations and governments, in unions and popular movements, in companies and financial institutions, in politicians, judges and the media – can and they must vary, but what no one can evade or excuse is the debt of love that every Christian – and I dare say, every human being – owes to the poor.

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