Men’s Violence Against Women: A Problem That Must Be Highlighted Every Day

by time news

The Urgency of Addressing Men’s Violence Against Women Every Day

November 25 is the United Nations (UN) International Day for the Elimination of Men’s Violence against Women. A day that reminds us that violence and abuse against women and girls is a violation of human rights. But the problem must be highlighted every day.

In Sweden, more than 300 women have been killed by their husbands in the last 20 years, averaging more than one woman per month. The National Board of Health and Welfare estimates that at least 75,000 women in Sweden are exposed to some form of intimate partner violence each year. However, the official statistics often miss different forms of violence, such as psychological, digital, material, or economic violence.

It is clear that devoting one day a year to addressing men’s violence against women is not enough. Women should not have to live in a reality where they are subjected to physical and psychological suffering just because of their gender.

However, it is not easy to access violence in close relationships, and it can be difficult for relatives to notice when everything is not as it should be. It is crucial for both authorities and healthcare to take reports seriously, as many women hesitate to seek help due to the fear of possible consequences they may face.

Both authorities and civil society need more education and awareness about the problem of men’s violence against women. The knowledge that has been imparted so far has not been sufficient.

Men’s violence against women does not only cause great suffering for the victim but also costs society large sums for both healthcare and a reduced workforce. In other words, it is not only a moral obligation to see the seriousness of the problem but also a healthier and more stable economy.

Sweden is certainly a leader when it comes to gender equality, and there are several women’s rights organizations that work on these issues. But to achieve the goal of eradicating deadly violence, even greater efforts are required.

One day a year is not enough, the problem must be highlighted every day so that we can reach an ideal world where women escape men’s violence.

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