Tank Women Make History: The First Female Armored Fighters in Israel’s Heroic Battle

by time news

Eight young women soldiers in the Israeli Defense Forces have made history by becoming the first women in Israel, and possibly the world, to fight in an armored battle. Hagar, Hila, Tal Sarah, Michal, Karni, Ofir, and Tamar, all roughly 20 years old, showed immense bravery as they fought off terrorists and saved an entire kibbutz.

The women, part of a tank company, were called to action on the morning of Simchat Torah when terrorists breached the fence from Gaza. Despite being stationed at their base, the tankers traveled in two vehicles, a tank and a Katlan, towards the northern sector near the Gaza Strip.

Their heroic actions were caught on camera, showing the tank of Carni, the company commander, breaking through the gates of Kibbutz Holit to engage the terrorists. The tank women fought alongside other soldiers for six hours, hitting dozens of terrorists and cleaning the kibbutzim of attackers.

Sgt. Hagar, a tank commander, described the moment she realized the magnitude of the situation. “We don’t really understand the magnitude of the incident,” she said. Their company commander, Captain Karni, made the decision to have the tanks head towards the Gaza border, signifying the seriousness of the situation.

Despite facing a brutal encounter with terrorists, the women soldiers showed immense strength and adaptability. Sgt. Hila revealed that none of them knew how to use the Katlan, a type of armored vehicle, but within 10 minutes, they all became experts, learning on the spot to deal with the situation at hand.

The company commander, Captain Karni, emphasized the severity of the situation, “What tipped the scales was seeing 50 terrorists flocking in my direction, in the direction of the killer and the tank.” Their dedication and skill led to the elimination of numerous terrorists and the successful defense of the kibbutz.

The women soldiers displayed incredible bravery and fortitude, proving their capabilities in a high-stress situation. Their story will undoubtedly go down in history as they have shattered barriers and demonstrated exceptional courage in the face of danger.

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