MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN launches, one more year, #NosotrasSiContamos

by time news

2023-11-25 08:30:24

WP_Post Object
[ID] => 103563
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2023-11-25 07:30:24
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-11-25 06:30:24
[post_content] => [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is celebrated every November 25, the State Network of Women of MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN wanted to put on the table and denounce numerous forms of violence that they suffer in the health field, when They go to a doctor or are admitted to a hospital, and that would not affect them in the same way if they were men. Through the campaign #WeYesWeCount, which, thanks to the collaboration of the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, is celebrating its fifth edition this year, several members of the Network present their personal experiences, feelings, emotions and demands in a video.

Mercè Torrentallé, Esperanza Iglesias, Elisabet Lemos y Adela Montaño, all of them members of the State Network of Women of MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN, are the protagonists who, with their testimonies, show how the gender gap that exists in the health field increases when it comes to a woman who has a mental health problem. Convincing a woman that she should have an abortion because she has a mental health problem, ignoring processes such as menopause, or deciding about a woman’s body without informing her, doing, for example, a mastectomy, are some of the most shocking experiences. and “humiliating” that these four women have suffered and that they bravely narrate in the video of just over three minutes.

Esperanza Iglesiasrepresentative of the State Women’s Network, states that in psychiatric consultation “Women are quite infantilized” and denounces psychological abuse, through threats such as: “You are going to stay locked up here, we are going to tie you up and you are not going to see your children again. I don’t think they say that to a man.”

“We are in a paternalistic environment, where women always have to be cared for, because they cannot defend themselves in this life, they are weak,” Add Adela Montañowho also strongly denounces that “No doctor informs you that your sexuality is going to be diminished… however, if a man suffers from a lack of erection or lack of sexual desire, they will tell him. It causes the same thing to us, but they don’t tell us.”.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Mercè Torrentallé It is the only one of the four that has suffered involuntary admission, physical and chemical restraints and, consequently, its consequences. “During my first admission to the psychiatric hospital, they gave me physical and chemical restraints. That caused me to become lax and have menstruation. Being tied to the bed, I couldn’t ask for help and I felt really bad.”.

Elisabet Lemos recounts the obstetric violence received, when “The psychiatrist himself advises you or tries to convince you that having an abortion is the most convenient thing to do, because you have a mental health problem.”

The #NosotrasYesContamos campaign Every November 25, it denounces the violence and abuse suffered by women with mental health problems. The risk that these women have of suffering from sexist violence is multiplied between 2 and 4 times compared to women in general. 80% of women with mental health problems who live with a partner have suffered some type of violence by said partner, more than half have suffered physical violence, and more than 40% have been victims of sexual violence over the years. of their life. When this violence occurs, 42% admit that they do not identify it as such and those who do recognize it and report it are not given credibility due to their mental disorder.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

The SPANISH MENTAL HEALTH Confederation appreciates the courage of these women to come forward and point out, with their own experiences, practices that violate human rights and threaten the dignity of women.

State Network of Women MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN. The State Network of Women MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN emerged as action platform for women with their own experience in mental health difficulties, to express their demands and work for them. Made up of 31 women, representatives of the entities of all the territories belonging to the associative movement of the Confederation SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA, the Network was born in mid-2018 after several workshops and intense work of compilation, sharing and consensus around the information, experiences and needs shared by all participants. They recognize in this space a safe placeof respect and sensitivity, in which its members have the opportunity to share personal experiences and feel understood and supported.

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[post_title] => “You are going to stay locked up here, we are going to tie you up and you are not going to see your children again. I don’t think they say that to a man.”
[post_excerpt] => For the fifth consecutive year, the SPAIN MENTAL HEALTH Confederation launches the #NosotrasSíContamos campaign, in which it denounces the violence suffered by women with mental health problems in healthcare. The initiative, promoted by the State Network of Women of the Confederation, has the support of the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030.
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[post_modified] => 2023-11-24 09:26:36
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-11-24 08:26:36
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“You are going to stay locked up here, we are going to tie you up and you are not going to see your children again. I don’t think they say that to a man.”

For the fifth consecutive year, the SPAIN MENTAL HEALTH Confederation launches the #NosotrasYesContamos campaign, in which it denounces the violence suffered by women with mental health problems in healthcare. The initiative, promoted by the State Network of Women of the Confederation, has the support of the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030.

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is celebrated every November 25, the State Network of Women of MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN wanted to put on the table and denounce numerous forms of violence that they suffer in the health field, when They go to a doctor or are admitted to a hospital, and that would not affect them in the same way if they were men.

Through the campaign #WeYesWeCount, which, thanks to the collaboration of the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, is celebrating its fifth edition this year, several members of the Network present their personal experiences, feelings, emotions and demands in a video.

Mercè Torrentallé, Esperanza Iglesias, Elisabet Lemos y Adela Montañoall of them members of the State Network of Women of MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN, are the protagonists who, with their testimonies, show how the gender gap that exists in the health field increases when it comes to a woman who has a mental health problem.
Convincing a woman that she should have an abortion because she has a mental health problem, ignoring processes such as menopause, or deciding about a woman’s body without informing her, doing, for example, a mastectomy, are some of the most shocking experiences. and “humiliating” that these four women have suffered and that they bravely narrate in the video of just over three minutes.

Esperanza Iglesiasrepresentative of the State Women’s Network, states that in psychiatric consultation “Women are quite infantilized” and denounces psychological abuse, through threats such as: “You are going to stay locked up here, we are going to tie you up and you are not going to see your children again. I don’t think they say that to a man.”

“We are in a paternalistic environment, where women always have to be cared for, because they cannot defend themselves in this life, they are weak,” Add Adela Montañowho also strongly denounces that “No doctor informs you that your sexuality is going to be diminished… however, if a man suffers from a lack of erection or lack of sexual desire, they will tell him. It causes the same thing to us, but they don’t tell us.”.

Mercè Torrentallé It is the only one of the four that has suffered involuntary admission, physical and chemical restraints and, consequently, its consequences. “During my first admission to the psychiatric hospital, they gave me physical and chemical restraints. That caused me to become lax and have menstruation. Being tied to the bed, I couldn’t ask for help and I felt really bad.”.

Elisabet Lemos recounts the obstetric violence received, when “The psychiatrist himself advises you or tries to convince you that having an abortion is the most convenient thing to do, because you have a mental health problem.”

The #NosotrasYesContamos campaign Every November 25, it denounces the violence and abuse suffered by women with mental health problems. The risk that these women have of suffering from sexist violence is multiplied between 2 and 4 times compared to women in general. 80% of women with mental health problems who live with a partner have suffered some type of violence by said partner, more than half have suffered physical violence, and more than 40% have been victims of sexual violence over the years. of their life. When this violence occurs, 42% admit that they do not identify it as such and those who do recognize it and report it are not given credibility due to their mental disorder.

The SPANISH MENTAL HEALTH Confederation appreciates the courage of these women to come forward and point out, with their own experiences, practices that violate human rights and threaten the dignity of women.

State Network of Women MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN.

The State Network of Women MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN emerged as action platform for women with their own experience in mental health difficulties, to express their demands and work for them. Made up of 31 women, representatives of the entities of all the territories belonging to the associative movement of the Confederation SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA, the Network was born in mid-2018 after several workshops and intense work of compilation, sharing and consensus around the information, experiences and needs shared by all participants.

They recognize in this space a safe placeof respect and sensitivity, in which its members have the opportunity to share personal experiences and feel understood and supported.

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#MENTAL #HEALTH #SPAIN #launches #year #NosotrasSiContamos

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