is kept in transportation hubs

by time news

2023-11-25 17:43:36

CC OO has called off the strikes in Amazon warehouses but maintains them in transportation centers. Thus, it has called off the one-hour per shift stoppages that were planned in all Amazon storage centers in Spain for Monday and Tuesday, although it has maintained them for the transport centers, thus coinciding with the ‘Black Friday’ campaigns. and ‘Cyber ​​Monday’. In this way, the union has made different decisions regarding its subsidiary Amazon Spain Fulfillment, dedicated to warehouses and in which strikes will no longer take place, and Amazon Road Transport Spain, focused more on transport and in whose centers The strikes will continue.

The partial dismissal has occurred after reaching an agreement with the company, although the improvement in the salaries of workers who CC OO considers to be “insufficient” is left out. In a statement, CC OO reports that the agreement was reached this morning, after 14 hours of negotiation at the Interconfederal Mediation and Arbitration Service (SIMA), and only affects the work centers of Amazon Spain Fulfillment, that is the large logistics spaces.

The workers’ salaries have been left out of the negotiation, since “the company does not agree to negotiate them with the union representation” and, therefore, “this issue remains unresolved and outside the commitment to social peace.” CCOO has made it clear that it continues to discuss this matter with Amazon management because “it does not give up on ensuring that salaries are adapted to the responsibilities and demands of the job.”

The agreement includes the implementation of “a new work accident management procedure, which will be negotiated in the Health and Safety Committees of the different work centers” and “a commitment to implement means and resources to improve support and response of the payroll management service”. It also includes a series of measures to “reduce payroll incidents” and “an extraordinary process to be able to resolve serious cases of payroll incidents with prompt payment within five working days,” details the union.

These strikes of one hour per shift had been called by CC OO alone and were not supported by any of the other unions with representation in the e-commerce giant. The strike was the first to be called nationwide at Amazon and some 20,000 workers were called.

The strike is still called in the smallest centers Thus, the agreement does not affect the smallest centers in the cities, called Amazon Road Transport Spain, which is why partial strikes continue to be called in the last hour of work of each shift, between 00:01 hours on November 27, 2023 and 02:00 hours on November 28, 2023. CCOO indicates that the agreement “has not been possible” in these centers since “the business proposal does not cover the minimum needs of the “personal” due to its characteristics and circumstances.

Amazon operates its centers in Spain through two companies: one in which the smallest city centers are brought together and another, with large logistics spaces. In the case of the former, about 6 out of 25 have union representation, while in the latter, where most of the staff work, the figure increases to around 11 out of 14.

In total, the company has 11 unions, among which CC OO is the majority, with 44%, followed by UGT and CGT. All unions agreed to ask Amazon for changes in the field of labor rights, especially those related to health protection, conciliation, preparation of payrolls or the perfection of salaries that do not correspond to the activity carried out. At the end of 2022, Amazon had about 22,000 permanent workers in Spain, with the aim of raising the figure to 25,000 before the end of 2026, and around 40 facilities, after opening new operations centers in places such as Zaragoza or Girona, according to your own data.

The partial strikes called in all these work centers will continue in the last hour of work of each shift, between 00:01 a.m. on November 27, 2023 and 02:00 a.m. on November 28, 2023.

#transportation #hubs

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