A purple tide to say no in the streets of France

by time news

2023-11-25 20:57:07

A purple tide, the color of feminism, invaded the streets of several cities in France on Saturday for the International Day Against Violence Against Women. “They were mothers, our daughters, our sisters, our friends”: at the head of the Parisian procession, the demonstrators brandished portraits of women killed by their spouses. Among these victims, Solveig, mother of a three-year-old boy whom his uncle took to the march in his stroller. “I want him to see that there are other missing mothers,” Sigvald Yvetot, 48, told AFP.

“We no longer want to count the dead, we no longer want to have to demonstrate! », Launched Maëlle Noir, from the national coordination of the Nous tous collective, who had called for a march with other feminist associations and unions, joined by several left-wing parties. According to All of Us and the CGT, the march brought together 80,000 people between Place de la Nation and République, 16,500 people according to the police headquarters.

A plan of two billion euros requested

The demonstrators demanded a plan of at least 2 billion euros to fight against sexist and sexual violence, “when the State only spends 185 million”, according to Suzy Rojtam, of the Grève feminist collective. “Sprinkling,” deplores Muriel Guibert, co-general delegate of Solidaires, who came to demonstrate with the inter-union with the leaders of the CDFT, Marylise Léon, and the CGT, Sophie Binet. “We don’t talk about it anymore, but in reality, it doesn’t change. Every day my employer looks at my chest to talk to me,” says Lucie, 33, who works in a training center in Paris and prefers not to mention her last name.

Throughout France, demonstrators – many women but also men – marched in a festive and dancing atmosphere, to the sound of drums and feminist songs punctuated by waves of whistles. Under a sea of ​​purple signs: “Protect your daughters, educate your sons” (Lyon), “In France, a rape every 6 minutes” (Lille), “We are not born a woman but we die”, “Dancing without being drugged”, “When I go out, I want to be free, not courageous” (Strasbourg), “Ras le rape” (Paris).

A cheese sign in the Parisian procession. – Mr. Pignot

In Toulouse, Aty, a 35-year-old Iranian woman, the bright red imprint of a hand painted on her face, held up a sign “We see you as a rapist, we believe you as a victim”. “I am from a generation where when a problem of violence or abuse arose in childhood, we hid things, we kept things secret. Today, speech has been freed,” rejoices Anne Tatareau, 62, a young retiree who paraded in Bordeaux.

#purple #tide #streets #France

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