thousands of people marched in Paris and major cities in France

by time news

2023-11-25 13:15:15
A protester in Paris, November 25, 2023. GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT / AFP

“We no longer want to count the dead” : thousands of people, many of whom wore a touch of purple, the color of feminism, demonstrated on Saturday November 25 in Paris and in major cities against violence against women. On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, demonstrators are calling on the government for additional means to eradicate this violence.

Feminist associations and unions have launched the call throughout France for better protection of women victims of violence, in the workplace, as a couple, in armed conflicts, etc. “Our support goes to all women in the world, the first victims, along with children, of armed conflicts. We particularly show our support for the women of Ukraine, Burma, Palestine, Israel, Nagorno-Karabakh”stipulates the call to parade broadcast by the organization Feminist strike and signed by numerous collectives and unions.

Alongside the collectives of associations led by #NousToutes and Feminist Strike were feminist associations from several countries, Kurdish, Afghan, Palestinian, the leaders of the CGT, Sophie Binet, and the CFDT, Marylise Léon, as well as representatives of FSU and Solidaires.

Demonstration against all gender-based violence, in Paris, November 25, 2023. GONZALO FUENTES / REUTERS

“Reforms at the margins are not enough”

On the occasion of this day of mobilization, Emmanuel Macron also spoke in a message posted on social networks. There “persistence of violence against women is not inevitable”, “We have to put an end to it and we are going to do it.” The President of the Republic has defended his action in this area since 2017, listing actions put in place: expansion of 39 19 hours, digital support platform, facilitation of filing complaints, deployment of Serious danger and telephones anti-reconciliation bracelets. He welcomed the efforts “which bore fruit”but, for feminist associations, unions and left-wing figures, we are far from the mark.

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“Reforms at the margins are not enough”, declared Maëlle Noir, from the national coordination of the #NousToutes collective, during a press briefing on Saturday. The collective estimates “more than 2 billion euros” the amount required to effectively combat violence against women.

The same figure was put forward by Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT, who spoke on behalf of the inter-union alongside Marylise Léon, head of the CFDT, before the start of the demonstration. On TF1, the “rebellious” MP Clémentine Autain considered that it would be necessary “between 2 and 3 billion” d’euros, “the equivalent of the wealth tax that Emmanuel Macron abolished”.

More than 120 feminicides listed by associations

In 2022, 118 femicides were recorded, four fewer than in 2021, according to official figures. Over the first eleven months of 2023, feminist associations have recorded 121 feminicides. “We no longer want to count our deadreacted Maëlle Noir. We don’t want to have to protest anymore. »

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Marches took place in several cities in France: several hundred people participated in Lyon and Strasbourg, and around 200 in Lille. There were many women and men showed their support. Everywhere, the color purple dominated the processions.

In Paris, on November 25, 2023. GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT / AFP

On the signs: “Protect your daughters, educate your sons”, “Giving in is not consent”, “In France, a rape every 6 minutes”, “We are not born a woman but we die”, “Dancing without being drugged” or “When I go out, I want to be free, not courageous”.

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In Nantes, women gathered around a (fake) coffin painted red, fitted with a slit, into which they slipped posters printed with the word “Femicide”listing the names of women killed by a man.

Prevention and support for victims

Among the demands put forward by the organizers, the prevention of violence through“sexual and emotional education at school” et “the fight against rape culture propagated by the pornography industry”.

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On a professional level, they demand sanctions against companies that have not implemented plans to prevent gender-based and sexual violence and “support for victims at work”, in particular by granting days off to carry out procedures. They also demand the creation of 15,000 accommodation places for women fleeing their violent spouses.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers How to better manage cases of domestic violence? On the ground, the courts adapt

The World with AFP

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