Banco Formosa presented “LIDERESAS”: a new line of credit for businesswomen

by time news

2023-11-26 03:14:55

The launch took place in the city’s Shed G and was attended by women leaders from local companies, representatives of the different business chambers and public sector officials.

In her opening speech, Dr. Liliana Ibáñez, director of Banco Formosa, highlighted that the Bank recognizes the role of women in the economic development of society and seeks to enhance their ventures and businesses.

Historically, in the financial market, the women’s segment was neglected, which is why the world today seeks to reverse this situation and begin to provide products and services adapted to their needs.

“Women are better payers, the delinquency rate that women have as credit takers in the market is lower”

In this sense, he stated that, “when women take a product with a bank, they continue with that bank; we are characterized by being more loyal customers of the companies we operate.”

Within the framework of this launch, a discussion was also held called “Women as a driving force and driver of the economy in the region” with the participation of Rosa Pereiro, President of CAMEFOR, (Chamber of Business Women of Formosa), Beatriz Tourn, President of CAMECH (Chaco Chamber of Business Women) and Julia Sáez, Women’s Reference of the Economic Federation of Corrientes and member of MECAME.

The Vice President of Banco Formosa, Eng. Daniel Higa, was in charge of moderating the conversation and reflected on it:

“As men we have to learn to unlearn many things, I’m talking about the models that we have culturally had for so many years, which not only have women shown us to be unfair, but are also economically inefficient. We are doing an act of justice and we are also going to make economic systems fairer systems with empowered women”

Line of credit: Leaders

The line is intended for an individual (female owner) and a legal entity (companies with 50% of the share capital owned by women or companies with a minimum of 25% of the share capital owned by women, as long as they are directed by them (Presidency , General Management, or sole Management).

The credit is up to $12,000,000 intended to acquire working capital or investment projects with a term of 24 months, with a 3-month capital grace period, TNA subsidized 142% with a 15% refund on account by the Provincial Government, single signature.

For more information, those who are interested can visit or at the branches of Banca Negocios, Gutnisky, Casa Central and all branches in the interior from Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Safe Health Woman

In this context, a new insurance for women offered by the financial institution for this type of loans was also launched.

Salud Segura Mujer is an accessible insurance from Sancor Seguros that focuses on pathologies that may affect women. This is a compensation coverage that provides a cash response to freely dispose of the money in the event of any of the diseases.

The total insured sum is paid for diseases such as ovarian, breast, cervix or uterine cervix and uterine endometrial cancer.

#Banco #Formosa #presented #LIDERESAS #line #credit #businesswomen

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