Tobacco shops will be able to sell ammunition for hunters from 2024

by time news

2023-11-25 13:51:31

The measure, which should allow hunters to equip themselves close to their homes, is supported by the Minister of the Interior.

Hunting ammunition on sale at tobacconists alongside cigarettes and other chewing gum? The idea may be surprising, but it is indeed on the table: tobacco shops should soon be authorized to sell ammunition to hunters. The measure was the subject of consultation this Wednesday with the hunters’ federation and the Ministry of the Interior. “This will undoubtedly happen, most certainly from the first quarter of 2024», indicates to the Figaro the president of the national confederation of tobacconists, Philippe Coy.

Contacted, the Ministry of the Interior clarified this change in Figaro. From the beginning of 2024, the State will put in place “lighter certifications for activities peripheral to the gunsmith profession“, we indicate. If, for the moment, a state gunsmith diploma or specific certification is necessary to be able to sell ammunition, the rules will change from January 1. “For the sole sale of ammunition of categories C (for hunting, mainly) and D“, a certification “exclusive sale of ammunition» can be obtained. It will be givenafter passing an exam”, following training “adapted and targeted two days».

Once certification has been obtained, the professional who wants to sell this ammunition must then obtain the green light from the prefect, who will examine “the qualification and good repute of the merchant”, and will provide “an authorization to sell ammunition“. For his part, the seller must ensure that the ammunition is not directly accessible by customers, and he must check “the buyer’s title of acquisition”, such as a hunting permit or a license for participants of the ski federation for biathlon.

Training for future tobacconists selling ammunition

Tobacconists are very interested in this opportunity, which can both enable them to strengthen their offering and provide a service to hunters. The aim is to bringr “an offer complementary to that of gunsmiths, in the most remote rural areas», Estimates Philippe Coy.

Tobacco shops are indeed legion in rural areas – 41% of tobacconists operate in towns with less than 3,500 inhabitants – while gunsmiths continue to concentrate in large cities, to the dismay of hunters. For the Ministry of the Interior, these professionals also benefit from secure premises. Their territorial coverage will make it possible to “limit travel for the acquisition of hunting ammunition”, and will reduce, at the same time, “sales by post, a source of recurring problems», Judges Gérald Darmanin’s entourage.

The fact remains that we will have to wait a little longer before seeing weapon ammunition alongside cigarette packets on the tobacconists’ counters, while professionals are trained, if possible.and e-learning», Hopes the representative. “There are still many points to superviserecognizes Philippe Coy. This will meet a real demand from tobacconists, who are keen to diversify their profession“. The margin that ammunition sellers will make is not yet known. The head of the confederation specifies in passing that many tobacconists already carry out a gunsmithing activity in the territory, particularly in rural areas.

This development, however, is not to everyone’s taste. “The government uses all means to flatter the hunting and weapons lobby», indignant the spokesperson for the Animalist Party, Muriel Fusi, on X – ex-Twitter. “The hunting lobby is really not ashamed of anything», the L214 association, for its part, was annoyed.

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