Are you ready to fight snow and frost?

by time news

2023-11-25 08:55:00

However, in addition to beautiful landscapes, winter weather also brought inevitable problems. On Monday evening, the roadway was covered in ice, and motorists, sensing the slippery danger, moved, contrary to custom, at the speed of a cautious turtle. And still, accidents could not be avoided. During the afternoon of November 20, more than 20 road accidents occurred in Brest, according to Internet sources.

Winter troubles primarily fell on the shoulders of public utilities. The deputy director of the Kommunalnik PKUP told Vecherka about how utility workers greeted the snow and whether they were ready to face winter. Oleg Nesterchuk.

– Our organization prepared in advance to work in winter conditions. Preparations for the cold season began back in June. Over the past period, 20,000 tons of de-icing material have been prepared – this 100% meets the needs for maintaining Brest streets during the winter months. This street maintenance plan was approved by the Brest City Executive Committee and agreed with the traffic police department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Brest Regional Executive Committee. So we met the first snow fully prepared.

“Kommunalnik” has enough equipment and other resources to timely process and clear snow from the streets of Brest?

– Our company has 31 units of sand spreaders with a blade, 11 tractors with a blade and a brush, 14 snow loaders and 19 dump trucks for snow removal. As the experience of previous years shows, this is enough for effective work. The city has installed 1,190 boxes of sand for sprinkling sidewalks. Currently, 15 sand spreaders, 5 tractors with brushes and 180 area cleaners are involved. In case of heavy snowfalls and difficult weather conditions, about 70 additional workers from the landscaping site will be involved, and equipment from third-party city enterprises may also be involved. Such measures should help the city to adequately withstand the vagaries of nature if it has to face them.

“It seems like we already collided last Monday.” Did the utility service expect such bad weather or did it have to urgently mobilize resources?

– Since November 1, 2023, 24-hour duty of drivers and snow removal equipment has been organized at PKUP Kommunalnik. We receive information about forecast weather conditions in advance, so we are prepared for cold weather and snowfalls. As happens every year, this season preventive treatment of roadways with anti-icing materials was carried out according to the approved route schedules.

– Are the main streets or residential areas the first to be filled and cleared?

– Proper street cleaning requires a clear schedule. Route schedules for clearing and sprinkling city streets were developed and agreed upon with the traffic police. All technological documentation has been developed.

First of all, public transport stops and pedestrian crossings are cleared of snow and ice. An important role is played by treating sections of roads with heavy traffic with anti-icing materials and a sand-salt mixture where public transport runs. As a rule, these are intersections, bridges and overpasses. Pedestrian sidewalks are sprinkled with clean sand as needed.

To ensure that citizens do not feel discomfort due to ice when leaving their homes in the morning, area cleaners begin their workday at 5 a.m., cleaning up the city streets. And the sand-spreading and plow-brush equipment operates around the clock.

– Maybe the utility service, in turn, has wishes for the residents of Brest?

To create comfortable conditions for moving along the streets, it is important for the city residents themselves to show respect for each other. Thus, utility services strongly recommend not parking personal vehicles along the roadway. This interferes with the operation of snow removal equipment, thereby slowing down the process of clearing roads. Residents of the private sector can also make a contribution. Usually, the first dissatisfaction with weather metamorphoses reaches city services from there. But if everyone, when leaving home in the morning, if possible, clears and sprinkles sand on the path behind the gate, this will significantly protect both the owners of the house and other passers-by.

Already next week, winter will come into its own: weather forecasters promise up to -5 degrees during the day. Therefore, rely on the public utility service, but don’t make a mistake yourself.

Yana Lopotnikova

#ready #fight #snow #frost

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