Still twenty more notes with Palestine in the heart

by time news

2023-11-24 21:00:10

News about crimes committed by the Zionazis in Palestine continues to accumulate, and also – despite the power of those who carry out the crime, finance it or exercise other forms of immoral complicity with it – repudiation against this genocide is growing in the world. Yesterday’s long-awaited Havana march demanding peace and justice for the martyred people has been an opportunity to continue gathering notes thought and written with Palestine in the heart. This is the third series.

1/ With the expected and massive demonstration of support for Palestine and condemnation of the Zionazi murderers, Havana once again fulfilled its duty to homeland and humanity. The enemies of the Palestinian people are also the enemies of the Cuban people, and this is evidenced by the votes in the UN regarding the United States blockade of Cuba.

2/Awesome! In that word you can summarize what you heard the most about today’s Cuban march. [23 de noviembre] for Palestine someone who lived it and now bears witness.

Photo: Abel Padrón Padilla/ Cubadebate

3 / Heard on the street:
—Will it be true that the Cuban Ministry of Culture and the United States Embassy in Havana will join forces in the study of indigenous peoples?
—Good occasion to think about Palestine as an indigenous people massacred with the complicity of the United States, a country with long experience in committing crimes of this nature, and others.

4/ The Israeli government calls its massacre of the Palestinian people a war, and says that (although there are eventual ceasefires and prisoners are exchanged) that “war” will continue until it achieves “all its objectives.” Does it take any great conjecture to know that among them is annihilating Palestine and completing the theft of its territory?

5 / It is said that his first trips as president of Argentina will be made by the so-called libertarian to the United States and Israel. Of course his dark program is clear.

6 / Let’s be honest: if, in fact, after the events of October 7, Alberto Fernández ran to support Israel, should we be surprised at what his successor will predictably do?

7 / Much more than a strip. A fellow thinker writes to me from Seville and reminds me of an article from almost ten years ago but which, despite my will, remains painfully valid.

(And now [publicado ya el enlace] Facebook gives the option of not seeing the images from then, as if the brutality they show were greater than that exhibited today by the events of the horrible genocide underway.)

8 / The meeting and that image [la Plaza de la Revolución José Martí con las banderas de Cuba y de Palestina en el obelisco] They deserve to give way to an intense campaign of solidarity with Palestine, and condemnation of Zionism, throughout the national territory. It would also be an expression of loyalty to our history, to Martí, to Fidel. And another warning to Yankee imperialism.

Image taken from Cubadebate

9 / It’s real. Right now I am in front of her and I have photographed her. A youth meeting for Palestine takes place at the foot of it. A voice is heard that, due to its accent, could be from that town, and between songs she shouts after a brief speech: “Long live Palestine! Long live Cuba! Country or Death! Overcome!”.

The image, which deserves to be real and is, at least at this moment seems to demand greater illumination. And last, not be ephemeral like the act illuminated with it, which is a source of national pride.

10 / It deserves to be real. It came to me from Spain, and I don’t know if it is a graphic recreation (which would be commendable) or a factual photograph. Tonight I will go to the Plaza to find out, but with the desire that it be the real image that it deserves to be as an expression of a just attitude in itself, and as a step towards many other actions representative of the Cuban soul.

Havana, night of November 17, 2023

11 / In Cuban towns there have been isolated demonstrations condemning the massacre suffered by the Palestinian people, and the Zionazi Israel that commits it, and it is reported that today there will be an act of the same purpose at the Martin Luther King Center in Havana . Palpable expressions of that spirit should spread throughout Cuba. Reasons abound.

12 / It is read that today [17 de noviembre] It’s Premature Children’s Day. Girls and boys of this condition are also dying in Gaza, murdered.

13 / Yesterday I saw Sergio [mi nieto] painting on the easel that his loving grandfather made for him, and he thought about the boys and girls of Palestine that the Zionazis, those false Jews, are murdering. Major crimes cause “collateral” damage that is also enormous: decent people can feel guilty for their moments of happiness. There is no indifference.

November 14 / 17, Children’s Day [ver nota 12]:
Let us think, not only today, of the girls and boys that the Zionazis, a concentrated expression of imperialism, are murdering in Gaza and outside that “strip.”

15 / Heard on the street:
—Both when repudiating crimes and when justifying them, there are those who swear to know “the true word of God” as embodied in a written circular.
—With stamp, signature and updated stamp. Oh, and registration number.

16 / For Palestine. Come to honor, Santa Clara residents!

Today all the Cuban people, those who honor their homeland, can feel like Santa Clara residents. By mobilizing in defense of the Palestinian cause, Santa Clara validates its ties with Commander Ernesto Che Guevara, the incarnation of revolutionary internationalism, and gives life to another expression of “Run to combat, Bayameses.” He honors the nation.

17 / If you say that you are based on The capital To try to make the world more fair, you are dogmatic and archaic, you are out of date. But if you kill because you say that the Bible He chose you as a member of a superior group and authorizes you to do whatever you want, then you are faithful to God and defend divine justice. You are even modern.

18 / The proposal is circulating that the International Olympic Committee be renamed the Israeli Olympic Committee.

19 / Heard on the street:
—Callus on our hands can make us stronger.
—Yes, but those of the soul can make us insensitive, accomplices to crimes.

20 / Heard on the street:
—…he says he doubts whether to continue publishing on the networks.
—It pains you to see that anything you publish attracts more attention than your tears for Palestine.

Cover photo: Vladimir Molina Espada/ Prensa Latina

#twenty #notes #Palestine #heart

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