Sánchez defends his condemnation of Israel’s bombings in Gaza: “It is a matter of humanity”

by time news

2023-11-26 15:29:09

Back in Spain after visiting Israel, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has reiterated his criticism of the bombing of civilians in the Gaza Strip with allusions to the opposition in Spain. “Condemning the vile attacks by the Hamas terrorist group and at the same time condemning the indiscriminate killing of civilians is not a question of parties or ideologies, but of humanity,” Sánchez defended at a PSOE event in Madrid with the presence of thousands of militants. all of Spain to vindicate itself as a party and make amends to its general secretary.

The socialists thus react to the successive weeks of insults and attacks on their headquarters in right-wing demonstrations against the amnesty law for Catalan politicians of the procès. Among the guests, in a privileged place, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, who, together with Sánchez, has pointed out that there is a clear ideological and programmatic continuity between their respective parties.

The event was scheduled to begin at 12 noon, and at that time an electric guitar version of the PSOE anthem was already playing over the loudspeakers deployed in Hall 10 of the Madrid fairgrounds. Everything was designed so that none of those present would lose sight of the goal of the meeting: that “Spain advances”, but above all to hammer home the message that the PSOE is alive, that the PSOE does not give up, that the PSOE governs and that Pedro Sánchez is president no matter who he is and with all the law.

The meeting, announced as a “party,” properly began with the parade of the socialist ministers of the new government, their names announced over the public address system like the lineup of a soccer team, with the public chanting “ehh” between positions. The president of the PSOE, Cristina Narbona, combatively took the floor next: “They can deface our headquarters, but in the meantime, we write the future in the BOE,” she said, before giving way to a José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero celebrated for his invigorating intervention. in the summer election campaign. The former president is comfortable in his role as an ironic boomerang for the criticism of the PP, which he assumed again today and which at times recalled the monologue of a comedian. “They had 257 deputies,” he said in reference to the failed electoral polls of the popular party. “The day Pedro Sánchez was born they were already criticizing Pedro Sánchez,” she continued. “Everything they don’t like is unconstitutional,” he added.

Zapatero compared the essence of the measures he took during his mandate with those of Sánchez. If he governed with “generosity”, it is also generous to now approve the amnesty law to “unite” Spain. He complained about the PP’s criticism of Sánchez, “pathetic”, moreover, in regards to the democratic commitment of the PSOE; and he compared his decision to withdraw Spanish troops from Iraq in 2004 to Sánchez’s disgracing Israel by indiscriminate bombing of civilians. Doubting that the PSOE respects the separation of powers seems inadmissible: “We are absolutely scrupulous with judicial independence,” he defended.

Message to Felipe and humor against the insult

Zapatero also veiledly pointed out the absent former socialist president, Felipe González, increasingly distant from the party leadership. “The commitment to the party must be the same when you lead it and when you are a more militant.” […] When you expect them to applaud you than when you have to applaud. “We are not going to let you down,” he told Sánchez before giving way.

The socialist leader was grateful to Zapatero and gave the recipe to respond to attacks and insults like the recent ones: British phlegm. “[Santiago] Abascal says that I am a coup leader and the PP, instead of reproaching him for the insult, says that Spain is on the path to a dictatorship. Abascal says that I am a psychopath and the head of the opposition, [Alberto Núñez Feijóo] He says I suffer from a mental illness. […] Vox insults and the PP redoubles the bet,” he censured, to prescribe: “We are going to respond calmly and with a sense of humor.” He referred to the English phrase during the Nazi bombings of London, ‘Keep calm and carry on’, which he translated into Spanish as “First of all, be calm and keep moving forward.”

Sánchez once again outlined the main lines of his program, which involve building the “fifth pillar of the welfare state” around “public policies in favor of housing” and referred to the international situation. “The world is not going well,” he indicated, and referred by name to the rising far-right leaders, from Javier Milei in Argentina to Giorgia Meloni in Italy, whom he accused of wanting to “go back to the past” instead of “facing the transformations” that the world needs. He once again boasted about the employment data, the increase in the minimum wage and the revaluation of pensions as a guarantee of the “commitment to the equality of Spaniards” and closed with loud applause, party flags, rainbows and Spain, which The socialists again try to symbolically recover from the hands of the right.

#Sánchez #defends #condemnation #Israels #bombings #Gaza #matter #humanity

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