Does sexual harassment and harassment exist among medical personnel?

by time news

2023-11-26 22:10:42

An obligation of health professionals is respect for patients. The same situation should be applied to co-workers because in the end they are all part of the same union. For this reason, a current objective is to end the harassment and sexual harassment among medical personnel in our country.

Regarding this point, the Ministry of Health (SSa), through the National Center for Gender Equity and Reproductive Health (CNEGSR)applies a policy of zero tolerance, stated the director of Gender and Health of the institution, Norma Angélica San José Rodríguez.

Inequalities between men and women

He also explained that the gender inequalities They systematically favor one of the two groups. Furthermore, society usually establishes differential treatment based on gender roles and stereotypes, and this differentiation can systematically affect women in all areas of life.

Therefore, it is necessary to promote the necessary strategies to empower women in making decisions and actions that promote, not only their professional development, but access to services in an equitable and egalitarian manner, based on their specific needs and characteristics to protect their mental, emotional, sexual and reproductive health.

He added that workplaces must, above all, prevent, attend to and punish cases of sexual harassment and sexual harassment firmly and clearly, thus guaranteeing human rights with approaches to gender, inclusion, intersectionality and cultural relevance.

Measures to eradicate sexual harassment among medical personnel

Protect and disseminate the rights of working women. Build an institutional culture for equality and public policies of equal opportunities between women and men. Value the social role of women as workers with the right to professional development and guarantee them a working life free of sexual violence.

He highlighted that the SSa is committed to a public policy to prevent sexual harassment and sexual harassment in the health system, based on Convention 190 of the International Labor Organization (ILO)which seeks to promote equity schemes to guarantee women’s access to a life free of sexual and workplace violence.

He stressed that, in 2022, the Senate of the Republic ratified this agreement as a commitment of the Mexican State to the ILO, through which it is recognized that inclusive and integrated approaches are essential to end violence and sexual harassment at work.

In this context, through the pronouncements of zero tolerance for sexual harassment and sexual harassmentthe SSa and its component units advance in guaranteeing a life free of violence for women.

The general director of INER, Carmen Margarita Hernández Cárdenas, pointed out that this session is part of the actions for the 16 days of activism against gender violencewith the aim of reflecting on the importance of establishing environments free of violence.

Regarding this problem, he maintained that the fact that there is a specific day to commemorate makes visible the need to eliminate violence in general, and against women in particular, because unfortunately it exists and in many contexts it is tolerated.

And in your case, do you think the measures to eradicate sexual harassment among medical personnel are sufficient?

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