Orange zone for Abruzzo, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piedmont and Sicily

by time news

Orange zone for Abruzzo, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piedmont and Sicily from Monday 24 January, while Puglia and Sardinia pass in yellow. These are the color changes, announced by the Ministry of Health, after Minister Roberto Speranza signed the new ordinance in the light of the weekly monitoring data on the progress of Covid-19. The high employment rates not only in the intensive care units, but also in the ordinary wards, act as a needle of the balance.

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Meanwhile, the increase in covid infections in Italy equal to 3% more, but the deaths increase by 49.7% in 7 days. This is what emerges from the independent monitoring of the Gimbe Foundation in the week of 12-18 January. Compared to the previous one, there was “a stabilization of new cases at 1.2 million and an increase in hospitalizations (+2,381) of patients in the medical area and in intensive care (+38)”. In detail of the increase in deaths, the report shows that they are “2,266 in the last 7 days (of which 158 referring to previous periods), with an average of 324 per day compared to 216 in the previous week”.

Furthermore, according to the preliminary data that emerged from the weekly report of the High School of Economics and Management of Health Systems (Altems) of the Catholic University, Covid hospitalizations in intensive care are decreasing and the incidence decreases, with the first encouraging signs in the new wave pandemic driven by the Omicron variant. In the last seven days they have recorded a slight improvement, rising to 1.67 per 100 thousand inhabitants, against a national average of 1.73 per 100 thousand recorded last week.

The regions that have shown more intensive care admissions during the last seven days are Val D’Aosta (3.23 per 100 thousand inhabitants), Friuli-Venezia Giulia (2.75 per 100 thousand) and Veneto (2.58 per 100 thousand).

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