“I’ve given up swimming, but every now and then I need to take off my overalls”

by time news

2023-11-27 07:30:34

He already misses her. The pool, where he has spent so many hours since he was a baby. “Swimming is and will always be my life”, he stated in the statement he had to make in April 2016 to announce that he was leaving the competition due to medical prescription. Heart problems ended the Olympic dream ofHector Ruiz (Figueres, 1991). Since then, he had found the illusion in his career as a coach. But he has also decided to put an end to it. He is now working in a company specializing in administration and advice communities of owners.

“I needed to make a change. I had to get out of the pool to be able to look with perspective and open your mind“, explains Ruiz. It’s only been four months since this transition, because it was in August when he officially disassociated himself as coach of the GEN Roses – was also at CN Mataró i al CN Figueres-, but it has not been possible to get rid of it completely. “From time to time, I do do something… They ask me for private or group lessons… I do it to take off my overalls and, even if it’s just a little, it’s a way to stay connected to swimming” , acknowledges.

Swimming has been my mark since I was born. And it continues to be

Ruiz is sincere. «I miss her, I will not deny it». For him, swimming has been his driving force since he was born. “Is my imprint since i was born And it continues to be. At least once a month, I take classes,” he says. At the same time, he is aware that “I am a person who is very motivated by challenges and, I don’t know how to express it because there was no exhaustion or demotivation either, but I felt that I had to do this stage change». In the company it comes to be the same: “In the end, they are all challenges. I was considering swimming and it’s the same here. I try to set myself challenges from my position and, above all, seek to ensure that all neighbors and communities are calm.”

The technician reflects that “for me it is essential that the children are happy and have a good time while they learn”: “That way the parents will be conditioned to always take them to training because their children ask for it”. “Swimming has evolved a lot and the trends are altered every four years due to the Olimpic games to be able to swim faster in the backstroke, the butterfly, the underwater, the backstroke and the breaststroke”, he points out.

After having to give up going to Rio de Janeiro, Ruiz has taken it upon himself to convey to his swimmers the importance of the day to day. “Swimming creates values ​​for you. My case was very traumatic because I had to stop swimming suddenly, but I wanted them to try to live in the moment. It’s no use thinking and you…, and you… What really matters is what you do now and it will have repercussions on the day of the competition”, he says. And he adds: “In the society we live in, the things we will give the most value to are the ones that have cost us the most. Nothing can be achieved without effort and sometimes despite trying hard we don’t reach the goalfor whatever reason, as happened to me when I wanted to go to the Olimpic games. That’s life”. As a result of his experience, Ruiz is also removing the Psychology Degree.

Last season the ghosts of the past reappeared. Ruiz was working out in the pool on his own, as he usually did after finishing his session with the kids, when he noticed the arrhythmias again. “I swim, i can’t swim. And I’ve tried a lot. I used to jump in the water afterwards to do my workout, nothing compared to what I was used to before, 3.000 metres and that’s it Last year, however, I started having many arrhythmias againas it happened to me when I had to leave the competition, and I said: enough, I fold. The arrhythmias lasted a long time, approx 10-15 minutesand I felt that he was playing me”, he confesses.

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It only happens to him when he swims. “I’ve tried other sports and I don’t notice any discomfort. I started running to do something. It’s funny because I get a lot more tired than in the pool and I don’t have arrhythmias. The doctors have never told me the cause, but I have associated it either with the position of the body or with the eyes hypoxia (hold your breath)”, he reasons. The Spanish champion of the 10 km in open water in 2015 he had to understand that happiness can also be found away from swimming: “I had never taken a break as long as the one I am currently taking. I know it’s relatively short, because it’s only been four months, but he had never been out of the water for so long. When I had to leave the competition for heart problemsI remained linked to swimming because I was a swimmer of the CN Mataró and he was also a coach. The routine made me endure the psychological grief. While right now it has been a natural process, I wanted to make a change and so it hasn’t been that traumatic how it could have been uprooted». Although, as Ruiz has reiterated, his life and swimming are inseparable.

#Ive #swimming #overalls

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