Emmanuel Macron’s speech that we would have liked to hear

by time news

2023-11-27 16:30:31

EDITED – The President of the Republic did not participate in the demonstration against anti-Semitism on Sunday November 12.

Many people blame him for this, and not just within the macronie. Some people even take this act as a betrayal. Or a reversal after the unconditional support for Israel that the President went to Tel Aviv (to be sure to be heard, after the visit of Ursula von der Leyen?) at the start of the war. At the same time (!), other personalities, fewer in number it seems, politicians or journalists, put up with it, even rejoiced, but without their voices having had much resonance. A loss of voice due to seasonal flu, perhaps?

Those who rejoice point to the fact that by refusing to give in to the call to participate launched by the CRIF (Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France), Emmanuel Macron has replaced secularism, rather than church, in the center of the village, the first article of the Constitution determining in black and white that “France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic”.

Doing social work, however, is not really Emmanuel Macron’s thing. He who is as resistant to the use of a referendum as he is attached to the use of 49-3, as for “democratic”, that too is not that…

On the other hand, since he has been at the Élysée, he has systematized the use of “divide and conquer”. For once, by refusing to participate in this march against anti-Semitism, the question of the indivisibility of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron did what he could. Faced with this “Jews against Muslims” war (at least that’s how the mainstream media sells it to us), which, unfortunately, divides the country, not in two, but in four (the pro-Israel, the pro -Hamas, those who side with peace, and those who are left indifferent by this war), did Emmanuel Macron have any other option than burying his head in the sand?

Far from me the idea, nor even less the desire, to play devil’s advocate, however, I must point out points which plead in its favor.

The subject of his participation or not in this march was the subject of a flood of comments, opinions, political and journalistic opinions, with deafening echoes, eminently unhealthy, because totally contrary to the goal claimed by the organizer of the event, namely a form of political union in the absence of national unity. Even across the Atlantic, these schoolyard controversies have led to questions…

However, between those who did not want to march, some of them, and those who had to march at the back of the procession or elsewhere, we cannot even speak of union! LFI or RN leaders and members should, however, have the right to march wherever they want, at the front of a procession or at its tail, and even on the sidelines. Once the demonstration has been declared, any citizen, whether French or not, can take part in a procession or accompany it as they wish, as long as they do not disrupt the smooth running of the procession, or he does not disturb public order.

Our President once again lacked perspective. And clairvoyance, too, I think. And maybe even courage.

If I had been his “shadow man”, I would have offered him a strategy and a text that lived up to what the Constitution requires of our Head of State, to place himself above parties, and above all , as far as possible, at the level of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

In my opinion, this is what Emmanuel Macron should have said if he had “very much wanted to annoy” not the unvaccinated, but those, more numerous every day for several weeks, who think that the Macron machine is completely seized up. .

“My dear compatriots,

I appear before you as President of all French people, Head of State and as such guarantor of respect for the Constitution, fundamental rights and the effectiveness of the motto of the Republic: Liberty-Equality-Fraternity .

The war in the Middle East, this complex conflict which is, unfortunately, escalating and giving rise to various interpretations as to the responsibilities of the parties to the dispute, this conflict has come to France.

In a show of support for Israeli citizens, Israeli men, women and children who were victims of the attack on October 7, 2023, a demonstration declared under the name “March Against Anti-Semitism” was organized by a collective including public figures and political parties united in a desire for indivisibility which shapes the Republic.

A laudable initiative because we must condemn the Hamas terrorist attack, in the same way as we have condemned all attacks of this nature that we have suffered on our territory, to a much lesser extent in severity. This is an opportunity for all of us to reflect, to pay tribute to the victims. But it is also an opportunity to ask the right questions, and to put aside the usual quarrels.

Unfortunately, I have observed these politico-political or ego quarrels in many people. Now, I cannot get involved in these squabbles. On the contrary. I must remember that everything is not binary, far from it.

As President of all French people, and thereby guarantor of freedoms, it is impossible for me to participate in a demonstration limited to the fight against anti-Semitism, and at the same time, it would be my duty to participate in event in favor of freedomsif there is one, and in particular the freedom to exercise one’s religion.

Everyone has the right to have an opinion, but it is everyone’s duty to respect the opinion of others, even if it is in the minority. And even more so to respect their physical integrity.

As for who should ensure that everyone can feel safe, free and respected everywhere on the territory of the Republic, the answer to this question is simple: it’s me.

Yes, it is up to me, President of the Republic, Head of State and guarantor of fundamental freedoms, to ensure that, in a spirit of fraternity which is more necessary than ever in the period of discord that our country is going through currently, everyone can feel safe, free and respected everywhere on the territory of the Republic.

This is the solemn commitment that I make here before you, my dear compatriots, whatever your confession, this with this civic slogan, to which I ask you to attach yourself, and which obviously I also make my own:

‘Jews, Christians, Muslims, atheists: all united without pretense for peace.'”

#Emmanuel #Macrons #speech #hear

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