18-year-old will have quintuplets in an unplanned pregnancy

by time news

2023-11-27 19:16:09

The case of a 18 year old woman who will have quintuplets in a pregnancy unplanned, a situation that has surprised hundreds of Internet users.

In the last few hours, the case of the young Sara Campos da Silva, originally from Brazil, has become a trend, who has shared that she is waiting for the arrival of Five sons.

The news has surprised Internet users because in most cases, having quintuplets It could occur in rare cases after performing a medical procedure.

Through social networks, the young woman announced her surprise and dizziness upon receiving the news about her pregnancy in which she is expecting five babies.

Family and friends of the couple have shown their support and encouragement, for their part, Renan Alves, the woman’s partner. pregnant He also shared his surprise, however, the young couple is already waiting for the arrival of five family members.

18-year-old woman will have quintuplets. Photo: iStock

After it was revealed that the 18 year old woman will have quintupletsit was the obstetrician Rogério Gama who mentioned that the genetics of the 18-year-old father’s family could explain the strange freak.

It was reported that the young man’s sisters have had twinsas well as his cousin and an uncle, so this could be a genetic predisposition.

How does a quintuplet pregnancy occur?

According to some specialists, there is very little chance of having quintupletsin most cases it occurs due to the stimulation of the ovulationthrough medicine that was not carried out in a controlled manner to perform artificial insemination.

18-year-old woman will have quintuplets. Photo: iStock

What is the probability of having quintuplets?

The news drew attention to the fact that a young 18 year old woman will have quintupletsand it went viral due to the low probability of the situation, without medication.

Well, it has been announced that the frequency of a woman having quintuplets is 1 in 54,000,000 births, it is worth mentioning that so far no more than 5 babies have been registered in pregnancies spontaneous.

Which people are likely to have twins?

In accordance with Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, There are several natural factors that increase a woman’s chances of having twins, which are:

By inheritance, if there is a family history of a multiple pregnancy, the chances of having twins increase. Older age, women over 30 years of age are more likely to have twins. High number of previous birthsRace

Now that you know this information, we invite you to watch the following video:

#18yearold #quintuplets #unplanned #pregnancy

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