Karl Nehammer better chancellor than Sebastian Kurz – politics

by time news

A current ATV question of the week shows: the Austrians are satisfied with Chancellor Nehammer – and rate him better than former Chancellor Kurz.

TV presenter Meinrad Knapp, political advisor Thomas Hofer and pollster Peter Hajek review the political events of the week on Sunday. Among other things, the results of Peter Hajek’s current opinion poll will be discussed. He asked 500 Austrians: “If you compare Chancellor Nehammer with his predecessor Sebastian Kurz, what is your assessment?”

29 percent of those surveyed, representative of the Austrian population, believe that Chancellor Karl Nehammer is doing a better job than his predecessor Sebastian Kurz. 39 percent of those surveyed see the two on the same level and only 13 percent think that Sebastian Kurz was a better chancellor than Nehammer.

There are differences in the political camps: While the voters of the ÖVP (35 percent), SPÖ (51 percent), Neos (46 percent) and the Greens (46 percent) see Karl Nehammer as the better chancellor, there are only nine on the side of the FPÖ percent of this opinion. A third of the blue voters think that Sebastian Kurz did a better job, 45 percent see the two on the same level.

“Off to a good start”

Peter Hajek: “Nehammer got off to a good start, the positive responses (29 percent ‘Nehammer does it better’) outweigh the negative responses (13 percent ‘Nehammer does it worse’) by a factor of 2:1. However, for many it is still a blank slate. One in five cannot yet answer the question.”

And further: “39 percent tend to be in the middle (‘Nehammer does it right’), which is a sign of an amorphous picture. The view of the FPÖ electorate is special: Sebastian Kurz was the declared enemy of the blue voters. That that he is said to have been the better chancellor than Nehammer symbolizes the radical anti-establishment attitude of the Freedom Party.”

ATV Aktuell: Die Woche” on Sunday, January 23, at 10:25 p.m. on ATV.

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