MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN calls for a definitive ceasefire in Palestine and for human rights to be respected

by time news

2023-11-28 12:45:23

WP_Post Object
[ID] => 106233
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2023-11-28 11:45:23
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-11-28 10:45:23
[post_content] => [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”106217″ img_size=”full” style=”vc_box_shadow_border” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=””][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]In it statement, which has been sent to the media, SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA denounces that “we are witnessing with horror unprecedented levels of violence and inhumanity against the civilian population in Palestine,” in which almost 15,000 people, including more than 6,000 minors, have been murdered. The siege, the lack of health care, even for critical health services, the electricity and water cuts, the blocking of the entry of humanitarian aid and vital goods and services to Gaza, the overcrowding, added to the constant bombings against Hospitals, schools, refugee camps, homes, etc., in this territory, where 2.2 million people live, threaten not only their physical integrity, but also their mental one. A few kilometers away, in the West Bank, the other territory of Palestine, the persecution and violation of rights suffered under the Israeli occupation also undermine the health of its population. This situation, which International Amnesty calls it “apartheid” [1]has been developing for decades, contravening dozens of UN resolutions [2]. For this reason, SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA reminds that the civilian population should never be a military objective. Hospitals, schools, homes and places of refuge should not be targets of attacks. The entity denounces that the absolute contempt for life and the most minimal humanitarian values ​​that are characterizing the attacks by the State of Israel represent a global challenge in terms of human rights, which should not be faced with silence. All people, including victims of conflict, have the right to receive safe health care and necessary medical treatment. It is important to keep in mind that the lives of many injured people currently depend on whether or not they receive urgent medical assistance. If they survive, many of them will most likely become people with disabilities and will require specific resources and support for the rest of their lives.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Given all the facts reported, from the Confederation SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA, an entity dedicated to the defense of the rights of people with mental health problems and their families and to improving their quality of life, as a social entity that champions human rights, We cannot remain impassive in the face of this unjust situation and we ask: The immediate and definitive ceasefire. Guarantee the population’s access to basic vital services and goods. Establish safe transit zones and routes for the civilian population. Establish humanitarian corridors that allow the entry of aid and the entry and exit of people. Recognize the additional vulnerability that people with disabilities have, including people with mental health problems. Take into account people with disabilities, including psychosocial disabilities, in the planning of humanitarian care. The real solidarity of Western countries in welcoming refugees. The implementation of mental health care services. Material and economic support to non-profit entities and social organizations that carry out humanitarian and social activities on the ground. The active participation of social mental health organizations, both at European and Spanish level, in the design, deployment and monitoring of public policies and strategies for welcoming refugees or people in other international protection situations. In short, it is nothing more than compliance with international law and the norms that govern the international community, among them, international humanitarian law (IHL) and UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. To achieve this, the involvement and mediation of governments and international organizations, the collaboration of the media to allow access to truthful information and from a human rights perspective, and international solidarity between people and peoples are essential.


[1] Amnesty International Spain (02/01/2022), Israeli apartheid against the Palestinian population: Cruel system of domination and crime against humanity. Amnesty International Spain, news.

[2] Public (10/11/2023), Israel accumulates 75 years of disregard for UN resolutions. Public, international.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”DESCARGAR COMUNICADO COMPLETO” align=”center” link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”93070″ img_size=”full” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_btn title=”VOLVER A NOTICIAS” style=”gradient-custom” gradient_custom_color_1=”#ffffff” gradient_custom_color_2=”#ffffff” gradient_text_color=”#005b50″ shape=”square” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-circle-left” add_icon=”true” link=”url:%2Fnoticias%2F|title:NOTICIAS||”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[post_title] => MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN calls for a definitive ceasefire in Palestine and for human rights to be respected
[post_excerpt] => In the statement, SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA denounces that “we are witnessing with horror unprecedented levels of violence and inhumanity against the civilian population in Palestine”, in which almost 15,000 people, including more than 6,000 minors, have been murdered . In addition, he calls for guaranteeing the population’s access to basic vital services and goods, especially health care and humanitarian aid, to prevent more people from dying or becoming disabled. The entity warns that the absolute disregard for life and the most minimal humanitarian values ​​that are characterizing the attacks by the State of Israel represent a global challenge in terms of human rights, which should not be faced with silence.
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[post_name] => mental-health-spain-ceasefire-palestine-human-rights
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[post_modified] => 2023-11-28 12:23:57
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-11-28 11:23:57
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MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN calls for a definitive ceasefire in Palestine and for human rights to be respected

In the statement, SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA denounces that “we are witnessing with horror unprecedented levels of violence and inhumanity against the civilian population in Palestine”, in which almost 15,000 people, including more than 6,000 minors, have been murdered. In addition, he calls for guaranteeing the population’s access to basic vital services and goods, especially health care and humanitarian aid, to prevent more people from dying or becoming disabled. The entity warns that the absolute disregard for life and the most minimal humanitarian values ​​that are characterizing the attacks by the State of Israel represent a global challenge in terms of human rights, which should not be faced with silence.

In it statementwhich has been sent to the media, SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA denounces that “we are witnessing with horror unprecedented levels of violence and inhumanity against the civilian population in Palestine,” in which almost 15,000 people, including more than 6,000 minors, have been murdered.

The siege, the lack of health care, even for critical health services, the electricity and water cuts, the blocking of the entry of humanitarian aid and vital goods and services to Gaza, the overcrowding, added to the constant bombings against Hospitals, schools, refugee camps, homes, etc., in this territory, where 2.2 million people live, threaten not only their physical integrity, but also their mental one. A few kilometers away, in the West Bank, the other territory of Palestine, the persecution and violation of rights suffered under the Israeli occupation also undermine the health of its population. This situation, which International Amnesty calls it “apartheid” [1]has been developing for decades, contravening dozens of UN resolutions [2].

For this reason, SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA reminds that the civilian population should never be a military objective. Hospitals, schools, homes and places of refuge should not be targets of attacks. The entity denounces that the absolute contempt for life and the most minimal humanitarian values ​​that are characterizing the attacks by the State of Israel represent a global challenge in terms of human rights, which should not be faced with silence.

All people, including victims of conflict, have the right to receive safe health care and necessary medical treatment. It is important to keep in mind that the lives of many injured people currently depend on whether or not they receive urgent medical assistance. If they survive, many of them will most likely become people with disabilities and will require specific resources and support for the rest of their lives.

Given all the facts reported, from the CONfederación SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA, an entity dedicated to the defense of the rights of people with mental health problems and their families and to improving their quality of life, as a social entity that champions human rights, We cannot remain impassive in the face of this unjust situation and we ask:

The immediate and definitive ceasefire. Guarantee the population’s access to basic vital services and goods. Establish safe transit zones and routes for the civilian population. Establish humanitarian corridors that allow the entry of aid and the entry and exit of people. Recognize the additional vulnerability that people with disabilities have, including people with mental health problems. Take into account people with disabilities, including psychosocial disabilities, in the planning of humanitarian care. The real solidarity of Western countries in welcoming refugees. The implementation of mental health care services. Material and economic support to non-profit entities and social organizations that carry out humanitarian and social activities on the ground. The active participation of mental health social organizations, both at European and Spanish levels, in the design, deployment and monitoring of public policies and strategies for welcoming refugees or people in other international protection situations.

In short, it is nothing more than compliance with international law and the norms that govern the international community, among them, international humanitarian law (IHL) and UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

To achieve this, the involvement and mediation of governments and international organizations, the collaboration of the media to allow access to truthful information and from a human rights perspective, and international solidarity between people and peoples are essential.


[1] Amnesty International Spain (02/01/2022), Israeli apartheid against the Palestinian population: Cruel system of domination and crime against humanity. Amnesty International Spain, news.

[2] Public (10/11/2023), Israel accumulates 75 years of disregard for UN resolutions. Public, international.

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