Dear Guayo:

by time news

2023-11-28 08:01:44

When you read these lines, I hope you are back in your house, from which you should never have left handcuffed to the Court Tower to face a spurious process manufactured by a Public Ministry (MP) that is trying – by every means – to stop the arrival of the presidency of the Arévalo-Herrera binomial and, incidentally, punish those like you, with dignity and in defense of university autonomy, denounced and opposed the flagrant fraud in the Rectorate of the University of San Carlos (Usac).

There you were with your humanity intact, singing the chant. Marielos Monzón

The news of your arrest along with that of two other professors, Rodolfo Chang and Alfredo Beber, of the Sancarlista student Javier de León and the former candidate for deputy for the Semilla Movement, Marcela Blanco (Landivarian, by the way); and a day later that of the Usac worker, Martín Macario, spread quickly through social networks and chats. 27 arrest warrants and 31 raids to ‘catch’ a “criminal network” that according to the Prosecutor’s Office of the Pact of Corrupts would have deprecated cultural property and committed aggravated usurpation with the seizure of the University facilities, not to reject the arrival of Walter ‘the usurper’ Mazariegos as a rector, but as a political springboard.

A ‘dangerous’ structure made up of students, professors and deans, university professionals and workers, lawyers and tweeters who “illicitly associated” to – we found out a few hours later through the painful press conference given by the MP about his ‘ brainy investigation’—catapult the candidates of three political parties (Winaq, Vos and Semilla) ahead of the general elections.

There was the ‘crux’ of the matter, the reason for the arrests: the alternative plan of the MP coup plotters to try – no longer through Rafael Curruchiche’s Feci but through Saúl Sánchez, another sad and servile prosecutor – to sabotage the will citizen and that on January 14 Arévalo does not take office because he is a ‘predator and seditious’.

Oh, Guayo! How much perversity to lock up innocent people using criminal law as a tool of persecution and punishment. Former ambassador Stephen McFarland explained it clearly: “the arrests made by the Attorney General’s Office must be understood as a hostage taking (…) they are much more than excesses in the application of the law.”

But despite the shackles, the raid on your house with your wife and children inside, the delirious accusations of the MP calling you seditious and criminal, the absurd decision of the judge to send Mariscal Zavala to them to wait for the first statement and the uncertainty that all that meant, there you were with your humanity intact singing La Chalana while they led you to prison.

Guayo Velásquez himself, the renowned economist and sociologist, the sharp columnist, the researcher, the trainer of hundreds of students, the fan of the Tercentenary team, the friend, raising the spirits of his teammates with his voice and demonstrating that dignity He is not imprisoned. You gave us and they gave us a lesson in decency, a lesson that those who accuse them cannot understand, because they do not know it.

The grotesque and at the same time pathetic accusation and the impeccable defense of the lawyers managed to get even a judge, a distinguished member of the Pact, to withdraw two crimes and resolve the house arrest. Insufficient and unfair, yes, the lack of merit was appropriate, but it was a first victory against the predatory machinery of the coup plotters and the power they still hold.

The prosecutor said when he accused you that greeting some members of the Peasant Unity Committee (CUC) with your fist proved the illicit association, let me tell you that it is not with a fist bump that hundreds of chapines want to greet you, but with a fist in tall and with a hug for being one of the essentials.

#Dear #Guayo

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