The privileges of former regional presidents: which ones have lifetime salaries?

by time news

2023-11-28 21:41:36

Updated: Nov 28, 2023 | 20:41
28 nov 2023 | 20:40

The opposition in Madrid accuses Ayuso of wanting to guarantee herself a lifetime salary of 8,500 euros. The president of the Community of Madrid recognizes that her Government is preparing to resume the status of former presidents that Cristina Cifuentes already tried to bring forward during her presidency, and the opposition accuses her of trying to get a salary for life . And although the president denies it, she recognizes that it would be logical and acceptable.

The truth is that the conditions change depending on the region. At laSexta we have divided it into four types of privileges that are differentiated in four different colors on the map that contains the main video of this news.

In green, the Basque Country, Catalonia and Extremadura. It’s about what the greatest privileges have, like a lifetime paycheck. This is the case, for example, of former President Quim Torrao and former Lenhendakari Carlos Garaikoetxea. For example, Artur Más is one of the former presidents who earns the most salaries. He has a pension of around 92,000 euros per year or, which is the same, 7,662 euros each month.

In yellow, those who do not have a salary for life but who can join the Advisory Councils and earn up to 70,000 euros per year for this. This is the case of Galicia, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha and the Valencian Community. There are those who take advantage of the situation and those who do not. Until recently, for example, Francisco Camps was part of this council and earned almost 60,000 euros a year. While in Castilla la Macha, no former president has used this right.

In third place, in orange, are those who have some benefits such as a secretary or official car. Thus, in Navarra or Andalusia, the compensation is not economic.

Finally, in red are those that do not have any privileges, such as Murcia, La Rioja, Aragón, Cantabria or Asturias. Until now, Madrid was also in this group, but Ayuso could change it imminently.

The PP justifies that Madrid is the only region of Spain along with Cantabria that does not have a text that contemplates the situation of the previous leaders of the Executive. To avoid this, the popular parties have presented a modification of Law 1/1983, of December 13, on the Government and Administration of the Community. In this way, the president’s Government Council will be able to regulate what they assume is a “legal vacuum.”

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