Negotiations for Ceasefire and Release of Abductees in Gaza Strip: IDF Officials Warn Against Stopping War

by time news

In the midst of reports of negotiations for a comprehensive ceasefire in exchange for the release of all abductees, Wint’s military correspondent, Yoav Zeyton, has shared some alarming insights from conversations with senior officers from the fighting forces in the Gaza Strip.

Zeyton took to Twitter to express his shock at the tone coming from IDF officials and generals who are on the front lines. According to Zeyton, these high-ranking military personnel are adamant about not wanting to be halted after a ceasefire. “Don’t you dare stop us after the ceasefire,” he quoted them as saying. Zeyton concluded his tweet by suggesting that everything has been said, except for the threat of refusing an order to halt the operation.

Meanwhile, Ministers Ben Gabir and Smotrich have come out strongly against the idea of stopping the war as part of a potential deal with Hamas. Ben Gabir warned that “stopping the war means dissolving the government,” while Smotrich went as far as denying the existence of any discussions and asserting, “This is a plan to eliminate the State of Israel. We will continue until complete victory and the destruction of the Nazis of Hamas.”

The tension surrounding the potential ceasefire and release of abductees has sparked intense reactions from both military and political figures. As the situation continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how these various voices will influence the direction of the ongoing conflict in the region.

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