10 places to have a first date

by time news

2023-11-29 17:00:37

Discover how to choose the perfect space for your first date and some recommendations to make the difference in the place you will be with that loved one.

Last update: November 29, 2023

In the world of dating, choosing the location can be the key that transforms a casual encounter into an unforgettable date. From romantic and cozy environments to more adventurous options, each setting has its own unique charm. Therefore, in this article, we will explore 10 places to have a perfect first date.

1. Café

It is a perfect place, since it is casual and relaxing.

One of the best places to have a first date is a cafe, as it is a perfect space to meet another person: casual and relaxing. You can invite him to have a drink while you talk. You can also opt for a cafeteria that offers an activity, such as tasting coffee, decorating your own dessert, etc.

We recommend that you take into account the following recommendations when choosing this place as a place to have a first date:

Your companion’s dietary preferences: Traditional drinks and pastries are common, so make sure they have a variety of options; for example, lactose-free, vegan, gluten-free, etc., in case your appointment has any health setbacks.
Choose a place that suits the energy of both: There are cafes that have a marked style or themes about series and movies. Try to choose one that you feel like, that suits you and that has an environment where you both feel comfortable.

2. Parque

It can be in nature or at an amusement park.

If you both like the outdoors, the park is a great choice for places to have a first date! You can take a walk surrounded by nature, see animals or get distracted from everyday life in the city. and focus on you.

You can also opt for an amusement park, if you would like to have more recreational activities to do. If you like a date in nature, pay attention to the following points:

Usa protector solar: Do not expose yourself to the sun’s rays unnecessarily, with chemical or mineral sunscreen, you can enjoy a day outdoors without having to worry about the health of your skin.
Bring water and snacks: Remember to stay hydrated, especially if you are going to walk. It’s a really good idea to carry a bottle of water with you while you’re out on the ride or at the amusement park, especially if it’s summer and the temperature rises.

3. Bookstore

Recommendations can be made or discover new authors together.

Are you looking for a quiet place to have your first date? If you both like tranquility and silence, a bookstore could be the ideal place. You can share your literary tastes, make recommendations or discover new authors together.

A true romantic plan would be to start a book together and discuss it as time goes by. This activity will bring you together and give you lots of topics to talk about in the future. Our recommendations if you choose this plan:

Make sure your date likes reading: Libraries and bookstores are wonderful places for those who like them, but not everyone likes them. Confirm that the other person enjoys the literary world as much as you do, or else it could result in an awkward or even boring date for the other party.

4. Show artistic

This will surely provide you with a great topic of conversation.

We continue to expand on artistic quotes and now we recommend a show artistic. It can be a visit to a museum, to the theater in a local or street theater, as well as enjoying a musical.. There are so many fun options!

This will surely offer you a wide topic of conversation and you will discover the way the other person looks at the world and art. If you want to invite him to an artistic show, we recommend:

Find something together: art and tastes are subjective. Therefore, it is best to consult directly with the person what they would like to see or do.
Avoid controversial topics: If you want to see a play or musical, make sure the themes are to the liking of both parties. You don’t want to end up embarrassed or uncomfortable about a topic, right?

5. Picnic area

The picnic creates an intimate atmosphere to meet another person.

This is one of the most popular first date plans. It is an ideal activity, since it allows you to talk and get to know that special person better in an intimate and quiet environment. Besides, Preparing picnic food together is almost always a very fun activity. and that can help you connect even more with the person you are dating.

If you want to make one, we suggest you take into account the menu. For example, if you are going to spend the day in the countryside, Try to avoid foods that need refrigeration to keep. Another option is to have a picnic at home. Likewise, consider the dietary preferences of both your date and yourself when deciding what to eat.

6. Restaurant

An outing to a restaurant is one of the most classic dates to do as a couple.

If you prefer a classic, a restaurant is one of the best places to have a first date. Like coffee, it is a space in which you can have a calm and close conversation with the other person.in addition to eating and drinking.

These types of dates are more casual and elegant; and not necessarily compromising, if you are not currently looking for that type of commitment. To have a meeting with that special person in a restaurant, keep the following in mind:

The choice of restaurant: Consider your date’s food allergies.
The location of the place: Do you prefer them to meet there? You can choose a place near your date’s house, so that it is not difficult for them to get there, or on the way to their work. In this way you will be showing him that you are a person considerate of his needs.

7. Bar

Ideal for a casual first date.

Would you sign up for a night of drinks and karaoke? A bar is one of the best places for a first date if you are a relaxed person You don’t want to give too much thought to the plan. A fun atmosphere, where you can sing and even dance, why not? It leaves a good impression and it is unlikely that anyone will get bored.

If you choose this plan, You must be very careful that camaraderie is not confused with signs of friendship, especially if you want to achieve a conquest. The excitement and atmosphere can make your feelings confused and you end up thinking it was a friends date.

8. Cakes

You can go with your friends or just your date.

Another fun plan is bowling. You can go in a group or both, show your skills and have a great time laughing at your own shots. So you can fully enjoy your date, We leave you a recommendation: if it is the first time that you are going to live together romantically with your date, it is better to go alone.

Bringing your friends could overwhelm the other person, since meeting so many people in one outing can make the person you are with nervous.

9. Trail in nature

Choose a route suitable for both of you.

If you like exercise and nature, a walk on a nature trail can be a good first date plan. Choose a path that is not very difficult and do the route on foot or by bicycle. To give it a romantic touch, the plan can end with a sharing in the mountains.

The recommendation we give you for this appointment is simple: Try to bring water, something to eat and ensure that physical activity is according to each person’s condition.. You don’t want to be stopping every two or three times to take a breath, right?

10. Go to a fair

Explore everything you can!

The fairs offer a fusion of fun, romance and nostalgia, creating the perfect atmosphere for a first date. There are different types of fairs: markets, clothing fairs, ornaments fairs, seasonal fairs and more.

The variety of activities gives you the opportunity to establish a connection, and even complicity, with that special person. As a recommendation for this plan, we suggest:

Explore with curiosity: fairs are usually full of unique treasures. Take the time to explore each booth with your special someone and share your discoveries.
Participate in activities: some offer activities such as live music, workshops or culinary demonstrations. Participating in these activities together can add an extra layer of fun and connection.

How to choose the right place?

The key to choosing the right place for a first date lies in finding a balance between comfort, fun and opportunity for connection. Consider shared interests, looking for an environment that provides natural conversation and activities that you both enjoy.

Don’t forget to adapt it to the personality and tastes of both of you.. This ensures that they feel good during the time they are together.

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