Ranking with the best female scientists in Mexico (2023 edition)

by time news

2023-11-30 00:00:12

Historically, women have been relegated in various areas and that is why it is worth knowing those who today are considered the best scientists in Mexico. Some work within the field of Medicine and have managed to overthrow prejudices. In the end, they are all examples to follow and have paved the way for future generations.

In that sense, until a few decades ago it was believed that a woman’s role was limited to the home. In fact, in many cultures the thought persists that they cannot access university studies and engage in professional activities.

Who are the best scientists in Mexico today?

To find out the names of the most outstanding women in this field, the international program was created “For Women in Science” and is run by the L’Oréal Group and UNESCO. Also added are the Mexican Academy of Sciences and CONALMEX to recognize the best at the national level.

The importance of this award lies in its contribution to gender equality in science and the promotion of role models for future generations of female scientists. This year, the national awards “For women in science” They were given to scientists in the areas of exact sciences, natural sciences, engineering and technology.

This award not only recognizes career achievement but also the importance of diversity and inclusion in science. Having said the above, now is the time to meet those who are considered the best scientists in Mexico currently.

Winners of the L’Oréal-UNESCO-AMC Scholarships for Women in Science 2023

Monserrat Llaguno Munive

Age: 34
National Cancer Institute
Discipline: Exact Sciences
Mexico City
Project Title: Co-encapsulation of siRNAs-Doxorubicin for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer.
Description: Her research project “Co-encapsulation of siRNAs-Doxorubicin for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer” is based on the concern to address a health issue that affects women in Mexico: metastatic breast cancer, which In 2020, it was the most common disease (15.3%) and the first cause of death in women. Despite recent advances, treatments remain limited and it is essential to develop new therapeutic strategies that offer an improvement in treatments and ensure that patients have a good quality of life.

Miriam Jetzabel Bravo López

Age: 33
Center for Genomic Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Discipline: Natural Sciences
Project Title: Characterization of the ancient biomolecules of the pathogens that cause cocoliztli in individuals from the 16th century in New Spain.
Description: The research carried out by Dr. Miriam Bravo represents an important milestone in the understanding of a devastating disease that affected New Spain in the 16th century: cocoliztli, an epidemic that decimated the indigenous population at the time. of the Spanish conquest, causing massive mortality and leaving a trail in history that has baffled scientists and historians for centuries. Dr. Miriam’s work in characterizing the ancient biomolecules of cocoliztli pathogens is a testament to the power of science to illuminate the mysteries of the past and their relevance to modern-day medicine.

Azalia Ávila Nava

Age: 36
Regional High Specialty Hospital of the Yucatan Peninsula
Discipline: Natural Sciences
Project Title: Composition and diversity of the intestinal microbiota in patients with kidney stones and in control of the state of Yucatán
Description: She graduated as a Food Chemical Engineer and subsequently completed postgraduate studies in which she focused on the evaluation of the effects of traditional Mexican foods. With his project titled “Composition and diversity of the intestinal microbiota in patients with kidney stones and in control of the state of Yucatán”, he discovered that in that region stones in the urinary tract are a major health problem and that is why he focused on investigating strategies. to treat it. Her study aims to evaluate the effect of diet on the intestinal microbiota of the population that has urinary stones.

Maricarmen Iñiguez Moreno

Age: 32
Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Discipline: Natural Sciences
New Lion
Project Title: Development of an edible coating for the preservation of berries.
Description: He studied a degree in Pharmacobiological Chemist, and some time later, he completed his postgraduate studies thanks to the fact that he enjoys constant learning and working and collaborating in the laboratory in the search for sustainable solutions to problems that afflict society. His project is titled “Development of an edible coating for the preservation of berries”; She knows that Mexico is a country with a great capacity to produce fruits and vegetables, however, due to physical and microbiological factors and lack of appropriate infrastructure, the losses of these products can reach 50% of production. Therefore, she considers it important to look for sustainable alternatives such as edible coatings based on natural compounds to generate high-value products, reduce waste generation and extend the shelf life of fruits such as strawberries, for example.

Mariana Felisa Ballesteros Escamilla

Age: 33
Center for Innovation and Technological Development in Computing, National Polytechnic Institute
Discipline: Engineering and Technology
Mexico City
Project Title: Modeling of neuromusculoskeletal systems with biomedical applications based on machine learning and Lyapunov theory.
Description: Dr. Mariana Ballesteros is leading the way with her research that promises to change the way we approach a wide range of biomedical applications. Her area of ​​interest lies in human body systems and creating new technologies that help people who suffer from disabilities. Her project, “Modeling of neuromusculoskeletal systems with biomedical applications based on learning, machine and Lyapunov theory,” is based on the functioning of the neuromuscular system and her plan is to apply the results in rehabilitation engineering created by Mexicans.

Winners of the L’Oréal-UNESCO-AMC Prize for Women in Science 2023

Sandra Elizabeth Rodil Posada

Age: 58
Discipline: Exact Sciences/Materials
Materials Research Institute
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Mexico City
Description: Dr. Sandra Rodil, from the UNAM Materials Research Institute, has dedicated her career to the exciting area of ​​materials science, and her work has a direct impact on Mexican society. Materials science research focuses on the study and development of new materials, as well as the improvement of existing ones, with the aim of finding solutions to a wide range of technological and social challenges. The discipline is applied in sectors as diverse as industry, medicine, energy, construction and electronics, and she is one of the scientists focused on this field in Mexico.

Rossana Arroyo Verástegui

Age: 67
Discipline: Natural Sciences/Biology (Parasitology)
Department of Infectomics and Molecular Pathogenesis
Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute
Mexico City
Description: During her postdoctoral stay at UTHSC in San Antonio, Texas, Dr. Rossana Arroyo began the study of the molecular pathogenesis of Trichomonas vaginalis, which causes trichomoniasis, which became her line of research. Her doctoral studies were carried out with Entamoeba histolytica under the direction of Dr. Esther Orozco Orozco, L’Oréal-UNESCO international laureate in 2006.

Erika Bustos Bustos

Age: 48
Discipline: Engineering and Technology / Electrochemistry
Center for Research and Technological Development in Electrochemistry, SC (CIDETEQ)
Description: He graduated in Environmental Engineering with a Master’s degree from the University of Guanajuato, a Doctorate from CIDETEQ, and a postdoctorate from CINVESTAV-IPN. Her current line of research focuses on the development of modified surfaces for the removal and detection of contaminants with economic, environmental and social importance.

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#Ranking #female #scientists #Mexico #edition

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