“At the first warning sign you have to stop”

by time news

2023-11-30 10:39:34

Ángel Martín knows well what it is like to fall into the hole, as well as how to get out of it and stay alive. And starting from scratch is not easy. It requires awareness, coherence and calm, says the comedian and screenwriter, who asserts that so that darkness does not flood everything, at the first sign of alarm, you have to stop.

Ángel Martín publishes “Behind the noise” (Editorial Planeta)his second book in which he describes everything that has served him and serves him to stay on his feet and not fall back into the hole into which a psychotic outbreak plunged him in 2017 and which led him to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital. .

In an interview with EFEsaludthe actor assures that he is fine, that it pains him “zero” to look at the past, probably because he already “chewed on it” when he wrote his first book “In case the voices return”in which he narrated in first person how it was rebuilt after his entry.

He decided to write again after seeing how at his book signings and after leaving his functions, people stayed to talk to him for a while and always asked him the same question: “How do you do it so that everything doesn’t go to hell again?”

“I thought, I’m going to try to do the same thing I did with ‘In case the voices come back’, that is, I’m going to chew, I’m going to see what I’m doing now, how I deal with things, how my mind works. head since what happened happened, in case it helps someone,” says the communicator.

A guided tour inside your head

He warns that with this work he does not intend to teach anything: “I’ll tell you the move that is working for me in case it works for you and you copy it as if there were no tomorrow.”.

In this new book, Ángel Martín takes a “guided tour” inside his head, a “sort of manual” on how he faces things, how he makes decisions, how he tries to ensure that “they don’t suddenly turn off.” all the lights” and darkness takes over his brain.

“If you see something that works for you, take it, take it, copy it and do whatever you want with it,” he says.

Getting out of the hole is more difficult than staying standing

From his own experience, it is much more difficult to get out of the hole than to stay standing, but the latter requires work of “infinite awareness, coherence, prudence and calm”, a much more long-term game, in which the risk is getting bored or get tired.

“But, of course, the price of getting bored or tired is to return to that place where you already know that there is no strength to later recover, and it is much more tiring. So it is a little smarter to try to work in the long term,” says Ángel Martín.

Ángel Martín holds his new book. PHOTO EFEsalud/BPC

Make decisions, because “We are in a spiral in which we do not consider the decisions we make very well”learn to distinguish what you want from what you need, but among other keys, you have to start “by putting some real order in your life,” he points out.

He emphasizes that we all know the signs that things are not going well, but insists that we should not take for granted that being bad is part of being alive. At the first warning sign, the comedian continues, you have to stop.

“The problem is that we believe that the priority is to send the email and the priority is to resolve what is making you feel bad. The email can wait,” she emphasizes.

A world with a lot of noise: the broken telephone game

In his opinion, to see more lights than shadows in the world around us we have to do a “very wild” exercise in where to focus our attention, because “we are in a moment where there is a lot of noise.”

“Everyone everywhere tries to set fires, the more the better, everything is a fire, and there are very few people trying, I’m not telling you to put it out, but simply not setting fires anymore would be enough,” says the presenter as well.

With the networks, adds the comedian, people share a lot of indignation trying to make others outraged by the same thing, at the same time and on the same level, and if you don’t do it everything becomes “a battle”, in which everything is black or white, and no one listens to the other.

“It’s like the game of broken telephone,” says Martín.

If young people are worse than ever, we are doing worse than ever

“Behind the noise” is a book that he hopes will also serve young people because it is aimed at everyone, whether they have read more or less.

But also because it terrifies him to see kids with problems finding meaning in life.

The book “Behind the noise” (Planeta publishing house)

“We talk about young people as if it were something that I went to the mountains this morning and I found six million new creatures that I don’t know where they come from. You brought them, trunk, you brought them, we brought them here and we are educating them, if they are worse than ever, we are doing it worse than ever,” she says.

In the 251 pages he also details the role of friends and family in a situation like his.

Parents cannot be the spokespersons for the adolescent

In this sense, he admits that he panics when, at the signing of his book, parents become “the adolescent’s spokesperson.”

“I don’t have children, but I have been a child, and I can understand how the words of others will influence me when it is bad.” she explains.

Hence, the comedian regrets those situations, in which when the young man, who has read the book, is going to address him to tell him how he is feeling and tell him that he is perhaps a little weak, his relatives jump out saying ” It’s wrong, it’s wrong.”

“Then suddenly it is to tell them, you are not understanding anything of what is happening here or the amount of burden you are putting in the boy or girl’s pockets. I think the role of family depends a lot, it depends on the level you are at and the type of family you have, but in the end, it is exactly the same as friends. Knowing how to reconfigure and adjust the relationship to what is happening,” she asserts.

Finally, when asked what news you would like to give in your “morning news to save time”Martín is clear: “That Taylor Swift has expanded tickets for her concerts.”

And for the comedian, humor “is useful for everything.”

#warning #sign #stop

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