This is the current salary of an IMSS nurse

by time news

2023-12-01 02:00:53

Money is important in all areas and even more so in health. Workers are always asked too much but it is also necessary to know what they receive in return. With this in mind, it is time to know the current amount of the salary of an IMSS nurse. The figure is not exactly what many think.

One of the highest objectives of health professionals is to obtain a permanent and stable job. Some get it instantly and others get it after several years. In any case, you also want to have decent pay and all the legal benefits.

How much is the salary of an IMSS nurse?

In that sense, being part of the IMSS It is the dream of many workers. It is a renowned Institution that has a presence throughout the country. Although beyond the working conditions, what it offers is also necessary.

With this in mind, through public information of the collective contract 2022-2023 of the National Union of Social Security Workers (SNTSS) it is possible to know the Current salary of an IMSS nurse.

According to the document, there are several categories and the pay for each one is different. There are five in total, the lowest is a general nursing assistant and the highest is a floor head nurse.

General Nursing Assistant – 5,531.18 Public Health Nursing Assistant – 5,531.18 General Nurse – 6,683.32 Specialist Nurse – 7,619.90 Head of Floor Nurse – 9,273.86

An important point is that the figure mentioned only corresponds to the concept of salary. In addition, there are other bonuses that each person receives and, with this, the final amount is usually almost double.

Difference with doctors’ salaries

For its part, the same document contains the amounts offered for other positions. In the case of doctors the number is greater although it must also be recognized that their functions are different.

General Physician – 8,829.88 Non-Family Physician – 11,629.94 Family Physician – 11,629.94

Nursing deficit in Mexico

Now, one of the problems of the union is that there are very few personnel compared to the number of inhabitants in the country. According to the Ministry of Health (SSa) there is a deficit of 255 thousand nurses. While another drawback is the poor distribution of health personnel.

What are the best nursing schools in Mexico?

A few months ago the portal Universities of Mexico published a list of what are considered the best nursing schools in the country. The criteria that were taken into account were the number of graduates, facilities and quality of the curriculum.

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL). National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). University of the Americas of Puebla (UDLAP). Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM). University of Guadalajara (UDG). University of Monterrey (UDEM). Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla (BUAP). Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ). Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMEX).

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